The Volla 22 (Gigaset GS5) Thread

Hello friends, is anyone by any chance aware if there exists some kind of main community/fanboy club for Volla devices that’s more alive than the official forums? This place is the closest I found so far, but right now I’m mostly looking for ways to get my hands on the damn thing (a major and regular pain in the rear for any obscure devices now that I’m temporarily stuck in Central Asia), and I don’t think this is a good place to ask about that

@piggz, what was the last release in the 4.5 line? I just had issues trying to install from chum with and it looks like was the last? If I do ssu re and zypper ref I get a bunch of downgrade warnings:

The following 17 packages are going to be downgraded:
  droid-config-halium-mimameid droid-config-halium-mimameid-bluez5 droid-config-halium-mimameid-flashing droid-config-halium-mimameid-policy-settings
  droid-config-halium-mimameid-preinit-plugin droid-config-halium-mimameid-pulseaudio-settings droid-config-halium-mimameid-sailfish droid-hal-version-halium-mimameid ffmpeg ffmpeg-tools
  harbour-musicex harbour-tooterb mapboxgl-qml patterns-sailfish-device-adaptation-halium-mimameid patterns-sailfish-device-configuration-common-halium-mimameid
  patterns-sailfish-device-configuration-halium-mimameid wget

that’s good news :slight_smile: then i can finally ditch ubuntu touch and use sfos

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thats probably ok… Subprojects of nemo:testing:hw:volla:yggdrasil - SailfishOS Open Build Service i should make a 4.6!

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I thought the 22 was mimaid?

You are of course correct Subprojects of nemo:testing:hw:volla:halium-mimameid - SailfishOS Open Build Service


oh no, i mixed the volla 22 up with the vollla 23…