The Volla 22 (Gigaset GS5) Thread

new phone is on android 12 installation to sailfish brick your phone!

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I’m running a GS5 (alternating with a rephone) as daily. It’s got more horsepower than the 10III and a larger screen. It also has some bugs, but none that keep me from daily use. The 10III I have is used to test compatibility of packages I support. So, the bugs:

  1. You need to make adjustments for vibrator support
  2. ditto audio of alerts / general audio level (loud)
  3. There is an odd bug with sim / pin settings. turn off primary sim before rebooting. (then turn on PIN after reboot)
  4. The firewall is ‘interesting’ I leave ipv6 firewall on but basically turn of the ipv4 firewall.
  5. WIFI eats battery. some, including me, use situations to make sure it’s off most of the time :slight_smile:

Otherwise, faster, better gps, bigger screen. BUT, I also managed to get a new 10III for about 160/170 euros. If you can find one and like a ‘smaller’ phone, it’s a good phone and SFOS is smooth.

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Thank you for the info!
I was curious because there are many people with these phones and the price is decent.
I’ll try to get my hands on one after I recover from the Christmas presents for the family :smiley:

But still, there is the problem of flashing with the new GS5 / Rephone which are coming with Android 12.

at least I found the repo of volla zip, so adb sideload with mimameid 11.1 could work maybe. … I need to try… Please help finding a better way for flashing new rephone / GS5.

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Thanks for the tip. I’ll have a look tomorrow and see if I can do a write up.

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@piggz since Android 12 is current VollaOS and some have been reporting they can’t install SFOS on that base, can you clarify if this is an issue?

I did my Volla22/GS5and rephone installs before 12 became available, the last time in May.

I’m still finding Rephones on ebay with Android 11 (in Germany) but the numbers are dwindling.



Very grateful to have all of this useful info on the thread! I’m wondering if there are any known issues with doing this on a GS5 Pro? Or if there’s any meaningful difference–AFAIK it’s the 6GB RAM primarily, and maybe only?

This is the model I’m thinking of:

Prima 6GB RAM and Android 12… You can forget about Sailfish OS… Unless Mr.Piggz does something to the software

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That’s unfortunate… although I can’t find anywhere saying it’ll come with Android 12 already, only that it can be upgraded to it. Fingers crossed it still has 11.

I’m not so sure about this. I’m asking @piggz. Since Volla supports android 12 (default now if you use the latest ubports installer) one should be able to flash VollOS. Then it’s just a question if SFOS is fine with that. @piggz? installing SFOS over VollaOS 12 ?

EDIT, and as piggz just said, it’s a ‘to-do’! in progress!


Just to check. Did you try to flash with ubports with the older VollaOS images? I have the image composed of ~/.cache/ubports/mimameid/firmware/:

Which I believe should be able to be flashed regardless of what factory image is on it. But I haven’t tried.

Yes, cached from Installer. That one I tried. I guess I get it back from pro repair next week, at least they started fixing it…

On Volla there is a recovery, maybe I take that and an mimameid image with adb sideload, without Installer. Recovery from Help | Volla Phone “how can I update operating system volla OS”

I’m not sure, think about it.

Hi all, I want to test SFOS on a GS5 (standard version) but I want to make a backup first of the stock ROM in case the flashing goes bananas, do you know where to obtain a copy of the stock ROM (Gigaset doesn’t provide it, I already asked them) or how to do a manual backup? thanks in advance.

Hi @teracube, when you tried VollaOS in the GS5, do you recall if apart of the no-longer-working SIM, the multiboot feature was available? just looking for other ways to try SFOS there without losing some AOSP capabilities. Thanks in advance.

That is a very simple question with a very complicated answer :slight_smile: If you do the process as I usually do it (and it’s still an android 11), you can just use the volla base image (if you use ubports it’s all installed locally). So, what I suggest is:
a). check it’s android 11
b). do the developer unlock usb debugging stuff
c). install VollaOS with the ubports installer (at which point you have a base image)
d). if vollaos works, you’re all good.

In any case, the volla images are ‘complete’, and even if something goes terribly wrong, as people in this thread have shown, you can still recover using the volla images.

The SIM thing is that the PIN / SIM enable relation sometimes get’s lost (a settings issue). The current fix is:

  1. before rebooting/powering off turn OFF SIM one.
  2. when you reboot, go to PIN settings, which will ask you in a dialog to
  3. turn on SIM 1 at which point you get a prompt.
    Sim 2 should be fine, too.

the problem is the downgrade to android11…per adb sideload (Volla OS11.1)it could work but I don’t trust it… Have now installed GSI Lineage OS 20…

Thanks @poetaster & @teracube for your replies, appreciated.

My GS5 is running Android 13 (latest version from the manufacturer), so not sure if the downgrade to VollaOS 11.1 will work as expected, I’ll give it a try ASAP.

@teracube, the GSI LOS 20 that you mention are the images located here?

@poetaster, do you know by chance if installing VollaOS via ubports, you have the multiboot-from-sd option available in order to install SFOS as secondary OS?

Yes LOS from Andy Yan …i try arm64.bvs image…

most of this images works on GS5 or Rephone :-)))