The Nextcloud Talk client for Sailfish OS thread

That is probably best discussed in a separate topic.

Post the how to :slight_smile: Point to the how to:)

Ah, of course you did :wink: And matterbridge. Ok. I had that, sort of, working for xmpp → matrix. The question: do you have bi-directional communication running and if so, stuff like room discovery?

And, sorry: RTFM. The connection is channel per channel.


They say they have/had (?) issues with xmpp. This is my currently working matrix<->xmpp bridge fragment:


#Use a dedicated user for this and not your own!
RemoteNickFormat="[{PROTOCOL}] <{NICK}> "

#Jid your userid
RemoteNickFormat="<{NICK}> "



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If you look at the code, you should find the place where Nextcloud Talk search for valid (root) certificates. When you find it, you can place your ‘root’ certificate there.
May by Nextcloud did not look into phones ‘global’ certificate store (each linux system have it’s own way to create it - e.g. my debian have an other way as a SuSE :crazy_face:).
I found that on my Linux Nextcloud Client, my ‘own root certificate’ was stored at the user configuration ($HOME/~/.config/Nextcloud/nextcloud.cfg).
This was done automatically during the configuration of the connection.
BTW.: On configuration of the Linux Network Client i can allow untrusted certificates.

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I thought in Sailfish Os, the certificate is stored on /home/nemo/.mozilla/mozembed/…

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Can any of the 4.4EA testers comment on whether Talk works in sailjail?

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I just tried to launch it, it lost the configuration. I’ll try to migrate it manually to the new path to see if that works

I have a PR open which seems to make it work, but it needs some careful review because the Secrets permission makes it incompatible with older SFOS versions.

For some reason it completely lost the configuration (directory .config/harbour-nextcloud-talk is empty), or i am looking in the wrong place (there is still data in .local/share). I need to reconfigure everything to test further.

.config isn’t used by nextcloud talk. If you’re seeing an empty window it’s because the program can’t access the secrets daemon.

The directory is very likely created by sailjail in compatability mode as a mount point.

A Sailjail compatible release is out:

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Ok it seems the app has some problems. Not sure it’s related to or something else.
So the problem is related to Sailfish Secrets DB.
It can’t just read out freshly stored secrets.
NextCloud Talk reports this:

“Unable to decrypt collection nextcloudTalk with the entered authentication key”

I’m not sure how to handle this. Maybe I should just remove the Sailfish Secrets DB file from somewhere so it’s totally fresh now?

I can confirm it does work in 4.4 so maybe it is indeed 4.5.

would be good to get some details what changed then.

Just tested in 4.5 on X10ds, created a new account (using an app password) and that is working fine.

Restarted the app, I get 1 sqlcipher prompt, but then nothing (no conversations showing up).

Journal sais:

Feb 09 08:16:47 PGXperia10 sailfishsecretsd[7033]: [W] unknown:0 - QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection 'nextcloudTalk' is still in use, all queries will cease to work.
Feb 09 08:16:47 PGXperia10 sailfishsecretsd[7033]: [W] unknown:0 - QSqlDatabasePrivate::addDatabase: duplicate connection name 'nextcloudTalk', old connection removed.
Feb 09 08:16:47 PGXperia10 sailfishsecretsd[7033]: [W] unknown:0 - "Query failed: file is not a database Unable to execute statement\n\n PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;"
Feb 09 08:16:47 PGXperia10 sailfishsecretsd[7033]: [W] unknown:0 - Failed to configure secrets database: " " : "\n PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;"
Feb 09 08:16:47 PGXperia10 sailfishsecretsd[7033]: [W] unknown:0 - Failed to prepare existing database - closing: "/home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Secrets/org.sailfishos.secrets.plugin.encryptedstorage.sqlcipher/nextcloudTalk.db" " "

then it seems we have a regression.

Got to say I have not had time to look into this for private reasons, and so I am also on 4.4. The observations so far state an issue with SailfishSecrets. Maybe something changed there between 4.4 and 4.5. In know there are some other apps also making use of it (e.g. Storeman). Maybe there are already some findings. In the moment i am totally out of sync and have to do some tests and research, as much as time allows.

Latest Nextcloud Talk client did not work with more the one account :thinking:.
After an update of the client (and SailfishOS) i tried to use the Talk client again - i didn’t use it for a few month :innocent:.
But i did not see my old chats and so i delete both account i have created earlier (and witch worked before).
Setting up the first account and looking for the chats i see the old chats. But when i setup the second account (with a different user and server) the chats of the first account vanish and the chats of the second are also not visible.
I tried it multiple times with different setup order but the result is always the same. The chats of the first account are visible but setting up the second all vanish :roll_eyes:.
Did anyone have second accounts working on SailfishOS and the latest Nextclound talk client?

Many thanks for any help

Did you ever have a chance to revisit this?

The problem is still on :face_with_raised_eyebrow:. I did not see an update for the Talk client since my latest message …