List of application affected by SailJail

Sorry for the late answer.
deadbeef-silica is the app gui.
The files in /.config/deadbeef are:

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Just looking at:


So, if that’s ‘deadbeef’ in the app launcher that should work. I would guess that the gui part is deadbeef-silica and you need to make sure the .desktop file for that contains app/orgname ‘deadbeef’. The presence of ~/.config/deadbeef-silica suggests otherwise?

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I think that I have to edit deadbeef instead of deadbeef-silica

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deadbeef-silica uses the same config files and so must have the same path.

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But ‘deadbeef’ and ‘deadbeef-silica’ folders are created into ~/.config

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Nextcloud Talk Codeberg No, contribute to #43 Accounts can not be loaded

Next release hit OpenRepos which becomes Sailjail-compatible, also thanks to @nephros.

If you cannot access OpenRepos (looks like its hit by sanctions?), fetch the rpm for your system from OBS Index of /obs/home:/blizzz:/harbour-nextcloud-talk or Codeberg Releases - harbour-nextcloud-talk -

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If the gui part which is deadbeef-silica doesn’t have access to the same files as deadbeef itself, you’re going to have problems. If the gui isn’t showing the playlists when launched from the icon, it suggests that it’s not getting access to ~/.conig/deadbeef. So it seems reasonable to set the appname and orgname to ‘deadbeef’ in the launcher so that front-end and back-end access the same files.

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Thanks for your Sailkick desktop file code. On my own application I first thought that I can use in X-Sailjail section as an ApplicationName the name I like, but from your desktop file I realized to use my Exec name. By using a different name the app won’t start.

I have with Fernschreiber additional to the “Error when clicking on notification” the Problem that it does not play Notifications-Sounds anymore, anyone else can confirm this?

Yes, I can confirm this on XA2 I get a vibration when a new message comes in but no sound.

Notification sounds are enabled in settings.

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(SF flashed XA2 as defaaultuser)
I can’t save a new text with harbour-editor or Seabass.
harbour-editor says “Document can’t be saved”

In contrary, if I create the text file with vi in the terminal, I can then edit and save it with the above apps.

I tried to add:


Edit:correct typo. Typo only in the post.
Into the harbour-editor .desktop file located in /usr/share/applications/ without success.

Maybe should /home/.system/var/lib/sailjail/settings/user-100000.settings be modified but not sure how.
When I’ll be sure it is related to Sailjail, I’ll add these apps into the list in the first post.

Presumably that is only for certain directories, e.g. ~ itself?
Disabling SailJail should work, and what you posted looks fine (edit: or not, see below).
Was there already another X-Sailjail section maybe?

At least in your paste is a typo, it reads [X-Salijail], not [X-Sailjail]

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Oops, thanks. Typo only in the post tho. Corrected.

When trying to save, harbour-editor doesn’t go up to the dialog to choose a path.
As soon as I press save; the keyboard disapears and it displays “Document can’t be saved”.
After that, edition is not possible anymore as the kb is locked down the screen.
Same thing after changing the .desktop file.
There is on other X-Sailjail section.

[Desktop Entry]

Is harbour-editor working on 4.4 for someone?

Could successfully install DeadBeef silica (aarch64) on a Volla phone and it works/plays music. But it doesn’t see the symlink to the SD card in my home folder.
So i have to ‘surf’ to /run/media/defaultuser/SDcard/… manually to access the music files on the SD card. Also some other folders in the home folder are invisible. How can I repair this?

Seems it is broken on 4.4, but unrelated to SailJail.

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You probably shouldn’t “repair” it.
Either put a symlink where it is accessible, e.g. in Music straight to your music on the sd card.
Maybe even talk to the author about better integration of music on sd-cards, or better yet contribute to the project.

Call Recorder doesnt open after the vanha rauma update, unless you add the sandboxing=disabled line. It is available off of storeman

A symlink in ~/Music is visible and works. Thank you much! A symlink in /home/defaultuser/ is not visible. Therefore I asked. Some other directories in ~/ also are not visible.

Yes, you are right. I tried to install the SDK a few weeks ago and failed, but I will try again.