[Tablet;] Deleting the Jolla account almost breaks the tablet

REPRODUCIBILITY (% or how often): Happened only once. No time (or courage) to re-try it.
HARDWARE (XA2, X10, X10 II, …): tablet
REGRESSION: (compared to previous public release: Yes, No, ?): ?


I wanted to have the tablet completely clean to be sold so that some days ago I performed a factory default and was able to successfully update it (via some of the known bugs) to the Only the Jolla apps were installed, no android support was installed. Developer mode was enabled.

So, I arrived to a very clean and was running pretty fine. The last step prior to send the tablet was to delete my Jolla account, which I did. Then I shut the table down. The buyer wanted to get it with SFOS running on it.

Some time later I forgot that I had not deleted the couple of configured WLANs. So that I started the device…and this is when the fun begins.

Almost the same situation as in this bug ( (almost) breaks tablet, doesn't get past boot logo) happened. The tablet gets stuck in the Jolla and Intel logo.

The tablet also wakes magically up when trying to enter the recovery menu, also lacking WLAN capability.

I managed to perform a factory defaults via the GUI, which it appears to successfully work. However, when the tablet starts with the factory default settings, shadows of past images are shown (similar to the bug mentioned in Jolla tablet display is flickering after freeze - together.jolla.com). As far as I know this should disappears with the time, or after the battery is completely empty.


Tablet with only Jolla apps installed, running, two or three WLANS configured and Jolla account configured.


  1. Get one of the many tablets in factory default.
  2. Do incremental updates -until and reboot after every update.
  3. Delete Jolla account
  4. Shut down
  5. Start up the device


Device boots and a new Jolla account can be configured. Wifi works.


Device does not boot after update, nor does it switch on when power button is pressed. When brought to life, Wifi doesnt work.
When factory defaults done according to the above situation, “shadows” remain in the screen.

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Try to build image using sfos-builder:

What does that mean? If you’re skipping rebooting after updates then I wouldn’t call the end result unexpected, they are stop releases for a reason

When an update is finished, either via GUI or CLI, the device is rebooted. An then, the next update is downloaded an installed.

So, yes, the device is rebooted after each update.

I will reformulate it in the original post.

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As far as I know, this is not usable with the tablet.

I think it is, in TMO thread tablet is mentioned and the tbj* file seems to be for tablet.

Had similar situations long time ago on updating a factory resetted Xperia 10. Solution was to perform an extra reboot after each automatic reboot.
Better is to update using sfos-upgrade (CLI), and don’t forget to run post_sfos-upgrade when it finished!

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I will take a look. Thanks!

Thanks for the info.

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I built a for the tablet. Uploading now.



How is this to be flashed? I supposed it will not be the same as with the Xperia…

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Thanks! (20 chars–)