Starting sms with dbus-send stopped working on 4.6

I’ve been using this script for sending sms:


exec ssh nemo@sailfish dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.nemomobile.qmlmessages / org.nemomobile.qmlmessages.startSMS "'"'array:string:'"$1""'" "'"'string:'"$2""'"

Now that I’ve upgraded to 4.6, this no longer works. Nothing happens, no error messages.

How can I send an sms via ssh now?

Does this help?

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I added nemo to sailfish-radio group, rebooted the phone and verified with “groups” that nemo is still in the group.

No, it doesn’t help. Same as before: Nothing happens on messages app and no error messages.

Note that there used to be (at least) two ways to send SMS from the command line, one is org.ofono.MessageManager.SendMessage (directly via ofono, bypassing commhistory db and the UI) and the other is org.nemomobile.qmlmessages.startSMS which involves the Messages app. The latter is very much proprietary and internal, no wonder if it broke, and there might even be a reason for breaking it.

Try --print-reply option, it may shed some light on what’s going on.

[nemo@Sailfish bin]$ ./tekstiviesti "040 12341231" "foo bar"
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.nemomobile.qmlmessages': timed out (service_start_timeout=120000ms)
[nemo@Sailfish bin]$ ./tekstiviesti "040 12341231" "foo bar"
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

Running dbus-send as root doesn’t help.

org.ofono.MessageManager.SendMessage works.

So here is the feature request part:

Please re-enable org.nemomobile.qmlmessages.startSMS or add some similar function:

  • upload sms phone number and text via ssh or any other convenient (=scriptable) method
  • sent sms should go to commhistory db normally
  • ability to choose sim-card remotely would be nice, but I’d accept clicking on the phone too

Hm, on SFOS 4.4 I can successfully use

 busctl --user call org.nemomobile.qmlmessages / org.nemomobile.qmlmessages startSMS ass 1 "+NN YYY ZZZZZZZ"   "this is a test"

while dbus-send fails me for some reason.

Does that way of calling work on 4.6? (None of my 4.6 devices sport a SIM so it’s kinda hard to test…)

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I tried busctl and got “Connection timed out” and “Failed to activate service ‘org.nemomobile.qmlmessages’: timed out (service_start_timeout=120000ms)” in journal.