Sorry Jolla (4.6)

Sorry Jolla but you really disappointed me with the 4.6 update.
It got nothing more than we had before JollyBoys came.
I know you struggled, I know you had money problems and so on.
What I don’t understand:
You had time and money for community phone, for crypto mining AI computer (my opinion only).
But we discuss in bug reports all the time and what went into 4.6? Nothing.
On my X10 III it’s still the same.
Power consumption is terrible.
No 3 cameras working.
Phone still forgets the fingerprints
Phone loses mobile connection with PIN on.
Cam makes still bad pics, no progress since years and auto focus still doesn’t work properly.
And what’s worse:
Android apps has now more probs to be online in mobile datas (like what we had before).
WIFI Hotspot is not working any more.
And also the trouble with your license payment…

Now I have to say sorry Jolla. I still own every Jolla brandad device, including the Tablet. And I had every Sailfish X device. But I didn’t buy 10 IV nor 10 V and didn’t register for your community phone nor for Mind 2.

I’ll wait for SFOS 5 for my 10 III. If there is no real progress in making simple functionalities work, I will leave Sailfish and Jolla after more than 10 Years…


I totally get your points, but what’s the plan here?

Let’s say jolla focuses on 10 III and makes it a great phone and has 0 time to work on the new devices.
Would you be happy with that and jump on the new unfinished devices?
Or do you think that they can fix some stuff but they don’t want to?

I am not trying to defend anyone here of course, but I’m trying to understand what is your point given that you understand how companies work and knowing that jolla is tiny without any resources basically.


It is not about a great phone, it is about a functioning phone, a phone that just meets basic requirements.


Subscribe totally to what you wrote!

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My point is:
Jolla should not work on 3 construction sites. Simple as that!
It’s same as every business or product you make. Finish one job to satisfy the customer or client and move to the next . It’s the same with my job or the job of everyone else.
I had been fired already at my job when I move to the next task before the previous is not yet finiahed…
With every new device, the old problems still persist and new are added.
Less is more.


Maybe with C2 they will actually have access to the bricks and mortar, so far they relied on sony for basics and sony keeps dropping the ball (this will not fix some of your litany of ‘problems’, some are just unimplemented apis (camera2), but I think this only shows the issue with subscription, most will expect to have new features every time, 5g, BT tethering… Oh this user doesn’t use it, so who cares about that update, there was LITERALLY no new features as they concentrate on the few features they are missing)
Edit: and for me actually android app connectivity was fixed a lot

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I agree but you know that they can’t, that is my point.

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I’m eagerly waiting for 10 v support, but if that’s not working as expected i will order a jolla c2 as replacement, that just has to work then.

When they can’t

Why they divide their resources to 3 different projects or even 4 when you include cars?


Have you seen people asking for new device here? And they (J) don’t really have unlimited time/patience/resources to just wait if maybe sony fix their xyz device bug eventually, if you want a device where you can complain endlessly about driver support to jolla, order a c2

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You don’t get me. I’m not expecting new features. I want the existing ones work.
I remeber every update from 1.0.
There where some with new features, some focused on stability, some focused on Android App support.
There was even one with the major target of power consumtion… It was a 2. …There was even an update with the target to start apps faster.
Every Android based OS can implement the most or everything. So it’s not always the fault of Sony


I understand your frustration but its important to get the POV of the firm. With just a functioning phone you do not get new customers and contracts. Also, the mentinoed phone is not build by Jolla nor supported by Sony in terms of running SFOS. Someone could argue, its a miracle that it run on such hw. It would be a different case for the Community Phone 2.

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Because it looks like the car business is (or will be) profitable, the AI business probably gave them the 10M funding, and sailfish without the Russians paying is just a loss without any chance of ever being profitable direct to consumer.

Just a guess :smiley:


I would order immediately if the C2 hardware would be up to date. I wouldn’t even mind if that device would cost more than 500€.
C1 was the worst SFOS device ever in my opinion so I have no intention to make this same mistake agaim.
Quality over quantity…

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Every android based os is just android, whether they call it calyx/graphene/e/younameit it’s all just aosp, sfos updates do trickle downstream as in for example clat, expecting half a dozen guys hired by jolla to do sony’s job in hw adaptation is just unreasonable, with c2 they will have better access to drivers, for sony devices what you get is what you get, maybe newer binaries will fix an issue or two (like color banding/echo with 13), that’s not on jolla but sony’s b team that screw aosp releases time and time again


Yeah maybe look into pinephone or purism, it will most likely be best supported on driver side again, but if you need bells and whistles it will just be c1 again. Lacking latest bells and whistles, but the ones it does have will ring loud and true, if you need specs, this is not the boat


You say new customers? I say that they lose also the current customers… This thread is the proof. But we’ve notice the company’s focus on automotive, A.I., forum censorship, etc… and not really on Sailfish OS. Release 4.6 is a huge disappointment… I see that some people still have high hopes from Release 5.0 and C2 (if it will be delivered cause I have doubts), but I am not that optimist.


Highly unlikely…European car industry is in a deep crisis from which it might be that they will never recover.

Well they’re working with Mercedes so I think for such a tiny company they’re doing great.


Well, just to clarify, I think the emotions are blurring some views. In this thread there is no customer in terms of “what actually makes the business for Jollaboys”. The most individuals here in this forum are end-users that can participate in this bumpy ride, and contribute to it (well, someones get panic about the subscriptions, are surely not customers).