[SOLVED] Upgrade to removes Android support

If your account is valid and you have paid licence for that device, then complain about this at Jolla customer service. This has to work, On a registered device with a paid licence, Android Support must be available for installation on Jolla Store.

Everything that comes with the XA2 license, except Android support, is available through the Jolla store. I reached out (again) to support to see they can figure out what is going on.

Did you restore some old /home/ files or is it still fresh from flashed state?
I noticed that mixing old /home/defaultuser files with a new install can cause problems with licence use.

I restored the Sailfish back-up to the device, thus contacts, messages and accounts.

I was using a more manual way. I believe the way you restored wouldn’t mess with license.
If you only flash without to restore, enter the Jolla credentials and go to the store, don’t you see Android Support?
No news from the Jolla customer service?

I can try a re-flash once again. Customer support has not given much support…

Hi, same thing happened to me. Had an Xperia 10 ii with Suomenlinna version, that phone broke, bought a new Xperia 10 II, installed the new version ( and now my phone has no android support. F-Droid or Aptoid won’t install, predictive text input doesn’t work. It is worth mentioning that I am temporarily in Canada. Do you think the region is affecting that?

You’ll need to contact Jolla and ask for your license to be transferred to new phone. As license is locked to device.

Oh, thanks. I hope you’re right and they solve this. I emailed them bofore I wrote in this forum, just waiting now. I was so happy with Sailfish + Android support, I hope I can keep that way. I was already looking for grapheneos and pixel phones, fingers crossed. Thanks again.

try this:

if you still have networking active try this:

zypper remove aliendalvik-control # this was a problem according to update 
ssu re
version --dup  

if also no network reanable it by doing this first:

ln -s /usr/lib/libip4tc.so.2.0.0 /usr/lib/libip4tc.so.0 # restores networking
systemctl start connman # start networking

Here are few things to check from a device when something like this happens.

First check that upgrade has gone through like it should. Regarding that we’d need list of installed packages

rpm -qa | sort > packages.txt

On top of that you should check statuses of two services

systemctl status apkd
systemctl --user status apkd-bridge
systemctl --user status apkd-bridge-user
systemctl status aliendalvik

Both of the them should be in active (running) state.

Worth noting that sfos_upgrade tool is not officially supported method to upgrade your device. That said, people have been using it successfully as well. And yes, I have realized that @chazaq have already re-flashed the device.

Finally let’s double check two crucial factors

  • You’re using the verify same device that you used earlier?
  • The Jolla account that is logged in is the same that you have been using earlier?

Let’s get this one sorted out,


My issue is resolved through Jolla support. I had to transfer my license to this device. I was not aware that I needed to do that, because when I got the device and signed into my account I did have the Android support and predictive text. With 4.4 apparently a check is executed to verify your license. Transferring the license to this IMEI resolved this.

Thanks for the help everyone!


Well, in a way it is, because it is merely a shell script performing a lot of checks before executing ssu re A.B.C.D && version --dup, which is “officially” advised by Jolla, when the graphical updater fails.

For details, see sfos-upgrade's description at OpenRepos and / or its source code repository at GitHub.