[SOLVED] The new Jolla's 4.99eur/month Subscription model is too expensive for my budget

Yes, that is the trick.

But they do, like they left Myspace, for example. Or ICQ. We talked about that earlier.

No, I am Donald Trump.

They are grabbing the whole telephone book of the phone, without permission of the people owning the data. That is illegal.

Now things get a bit clearer.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.

Iā€™d like to re-focus on the main topic at hand, and I agree, any subscription, no, any extra payment of any sort, be it monthly or yearly, be it for updates, or for features. It better be worth it, because as it stands, the Xperia 10 III, which I got for the sake of SFOS over another device, should at least function reliably.

Thereā€™s a slew of bugs, a lot of which I encounter (ie audio breaking, contact duping in CardDAV/Nextcloud) phone freezing if I call too quickly after booting, camera still being mediocre, data connectivity (and thus hotspot) needing manual activation) ā€“ If we can at least have a phone where the audio doesnā€™t break and we can make calls reliably without the fear of being unable to take or make urgent calls (been there. That was the tipping point for me) ā€“ or just you know, a reliable phone, MAYBE THEN, Iā€™d consider paying for updatesā€¦

Sadly most of us are nerds, weā€™re linux users (most of us) using a linux phone OS, if it could really rival the agonizingly depressing competition, or at least not having to do weird workarounds (like restarting AppSupport because AdvanceCam doesnā€™t stop using the camera, ever (even when itā€™s minimized), to get camera working on an android app again) or having to get logs because funny unexpected yet barely worked on bug keeps popping up, maybe then Iā€™d actually consider suggesting SFOS to others. Because I have the know-how and patience to work around these bugs.

More devices isnā€™t the answerā€¦ A solid, easily obtainable phone (again, why in the universe, isnā€™t the Fairphone officially supported?) that doesnā€™t suck, works ā€“ and this is the key word in this rant ā€“ reliably, is how you get not just new users, but also keep old ones, and maybe get some older ones back in.

While, yes, Newer Devices would be appreciated, no doubt. ā€“ It shouldnā€™t be at the expense of thinning out work on other, already supported devices.

This isnā€™t just a sound-bad move, this is a huge risk that, again, anyone who is paying be it a timely or per-update subscription, and see that the OS isnā€™t matching what theyā€™re paying for, will eventually leave, and will probably leave either sad or frustrated.

I WANT to Love SFOS, hell Iā€™m still having second thoughts about moving out of it, and have already said to myself that if things get better or whatever else I use, isnā€™t as good, that I will switch back to SFOS. However, if thereā€™s an additional cost, with nothing to make it count, I might just use UBPorts instead. Maybe even aid their efforts for VoLTE too.

I understand this rant is a bit heated, but I just want to make clear that Iā€™d like 2 things. For SFOS to be reliable, and to be good enough to safely recommend onto others, because holy shit, does SFOS feel good to use and is comfy. But I cannot, in good faith, not recommend nor continue to use as a daily driver when half the calls are missed or the other one of the people canā€™t hear the other.

PS: For the record, the urgent situation was that I was calling someone to get an appointment as soon as possible (date), but the other personā€™s signal was weak. Sadly, this resulted in me calling back, but sometimes the keyboard would stay open and I was unable to reset it, then Iā€™d restart and call back, after call dropped again, I noticed that not only did the keyboard stay open (in ocassions), now the device was freezing too, so again, restart and first thing I do is call back. It was an anxiety inducing mess, thankfully I did get my appointment, but only after 30 minutes of this reboot->call->freeze->reboot. I am thankful that I havenā€™t had something like this happen in an actual emergency situation.


I like reading posts on topic so I flag off topic posts as such. I like to read good questions and helpful replies but I donā€™t like wasting time reading nontechnical opinions on a technical topic on a technical forum so I do what I can to save time also for others as they also do that for me. I donā€™t see this as censorship at all as anyone can create opinion topics.
I can only imagine how hard it is for employees to read this topic in a wish to help us as users.

Type of people: Iā€™m a long time user of SFOS and I contribute translating in one language.

My interest in SFOS is digital privacy, fully translated and adopted OS, nice usability, simplicity, customability and good look.

I hope that answers your questions.


If people in a private space decide not to listen to things they consider complete and utter nonsense that is in no way censorship.

At my party I decide to kick out the racist uncle who is doing the penis propeller. If people find something inappropriate it is inappropriate.

If someone feels insulted by my post he or she will act accordingly. This is not my intention but communication partly takes place on the other side. And the better sort of communication takes that into consideration.
I am trying to do so.
If you get flagged ask yourself why. Not the Ā«othersĀ».



I am neither flavging or being flagged on a regular basis.

But if I would I would still ask myself wether I caused this or it is all the others riding along the highway in the wrong direction.

This is a forum, not a parliament. If your opinion is not welcome people will tell you. If your words are annoying or offensive everyone might flag your post.

Be polite, try to stay on topic and people might recognize your efforts.



Iā€™m just gonna repost this:

Jolla CEO having fun at around 4:30am, right after confirming on topic that 5ā‚¬ is enough and they will not spy on you or cripple your experience if you donā€™t pay up next month. Flaggers get to it, how dare such post remain unflagged, community jannies get back to work!


It would be a valid argument but the topic is not technical but about opinions if we are talking about the price perception hence you can write everything you want. Not to mention that the topic is already marked as solved so there is nothing to add. Your argument is invalid and is a cheap excuse for flagging innocent posts in NON technical topic.
And the last but not least, there will no privacy without free speech. Censorship is the first step to kill privacy and that knows everybody that lived in former communist country.


What is strange for me is they choose as subscription price 4,99 not 5 Euros. On who are still this marketing decisions working?!? Even this is repelling in my opinion, I think Jollq doesnā€™t understand their core users.

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Well, depends on who you define as core user, I would say.
I do not believe that self-referentially equating oneself with the majority or a representative set of users necessarily produces a correct demoscopic conclusion. But of course I might be wrong.

From everything I wrote you decided to contest the meaning of word core. It doesnā€™t matter who defines it, core is only one. I didnā€™t included myself in the core users, you speculated I did. But hey, you know what?!? You are wrong :slight_smile:

I can absolutely sleep well with that.

But then the question would be where you get the knowledge about the core user(s) from.

But be that as it may: the discussion is so superfluous and pointless that Iā€™ll keep my mouth shut.

Is that self-cancelling? Am I already shorn? A censor? Questions upon questionsā€¦

EFIT: Ha, Iā€™ve finally figured out how to mute a thread. That will further my salvation.


Share with the global population, maybe they will stop acting like that racist uncle and allow differing viewpoints

Illusion never changed into something real.


OMG, WTH happened here? I was offline due to power outage for three days! I wake up like Rip Van Winkle, but to a flame and flag fest?

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Topic sorta got resolved? Then became a rant zone. Then the rant zone became a flaggable comment area, and then they cranked it up to 11 just to get more flagged posts, and then complain, while comparing countries about censorship. ā€“ You didnā€™t miss anything but a lot of noise, and some on-topic comments in between