[SOLVED] The new Jolla's 4.99eur/month Subscription model is too expensive for my budget

What a hopeless case.

I never called you a “shaved sheep”. What I really wrote was that by agreeing to pay subscriptions you will “keep being shaved like a sheep, more and more, because just switching to subscriptions surely won’t help much, and regularly increasing the fees will surely occur”.

“To be shaved like a sheep” means silently permitting to being taken advantage of. It is a metaphor, not an offence.

And similarly with everything else. So stop twisting and distorting what’s never been said, while at the same time yourself throwing purely personal epithets like “totally delusional, autistic man-child like yourself”. And generally stop wasting eveyone’s time, because no one here (and certainly not I) is interested in what you think about me (and your recent posts carry no other content but that).



Really? What is your Myspace? Want to chat over ICQ?

These networks are not profitable at all, they are running because they are very useful to entities like the NSA. Facebook is nothing more than LifeLog:

I see where this is going, you do not like free speech. Why even bother with Sailfish then?

Social networks will never be profitable, because they provide no real value to the user. The people have a social network account because their friends have one, not because they want one. They never think about what they want, they just follow the herd.

What Whatsapp did and is still doing for example is absolutely forbidden in the EU, they collect a huge amount of private data without consent of the owners of that data and with that tactic replaced ICQ and other messengers that did not do that, were not allowed to do that. Because the whole EU is a vassal of the United States, noone ever interfered with this behaviour.

Data is the profit and it is invaluable.

Time passes and might prove me right at some point.


Perfect written! What I find interesting is that some people here claim that are using Sailfish for privacy while in the same time they complain that WhatsApp is not working properly. Crazy stuff :rofl:


Now explain that to the people using Telegram.
At least Whatsapp can only collect metadata about your activity, not the whole text

Whataboutism! Anyway, Telegram is same shit! But those users don’t complain here…

What I enjoy the most is when people make a fuss about privacy and they use google search and/or chrome.
Or using a browser but they are logged in Facebook, Reddit etc with their account :sweat_smile:

But anyway, that’s a different story.


Excuse me, I use Sailfish but also own a dutch bicycle at the the same time. Do I have to accept nazi shitheads as exponents of free speech?

Get back to topic and do not feed the trolls.

You can eliminate 50% of the discussion by blocking one person. You won’t change her or him.


Not quite sure I follow your train of thought but anyway, the purpose of this thread was accomplished so nothing else to say here!

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Not any more, or at least not from 26th June 2024:

Meta Policy Update effective 26th June 2024

"We’re getting ready to expand our AI at Meta experiences to your region. AI at Meta is our collection of generative AI features and experiences, such as Meta AI and AI creative tools along with the models that power them.

To help bring these experiences to you, we’ll now rely on the legal basis called legitimate interests for using your information to develop and improve AI at Meta …"

So whilst it may be true that normal Telegram messages are sent in the clear (i.e. not secret chats which are e-2-e encrypted) whilst WhatsApp messages are encrypted, the above policy change will allow Meta access to all your information from Whatsapp, Facebook, etc to help train their AI. So the risk won’t be 3rd Party actors accessing your information in transit, but Meta themselves straight off their own servers.


Yes, as well as dumb people.

He owns a dutch bicycle. Whats your bicycles nationality? Mine is from china, it might be a spy.


What does that have to do with anything said here though?

No idea. Maybe he bought a VanMoof, they sold electric bikes that require an app and internet connection to work. The company went bankrupt and for quite a long time it was unclear what is going to happen to the servers.


You’re just trying to lay a hand on my bike.

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On topic:
This is one OSS world view. $4? Low cost. $10? Standard. $1? … you get it

Anyway, I would like to not see messages off topic which come up as “The new Jolla’s 4.99eur/month Subscription model is too expensive” in my inbox, but being totally and repeatedly unrelated (as opposed to my message :slight_smile: )

What was superior about the new services?

Well, ads is one of the biggest money laundering machines these days. You receive some millions? Someone asks what for? You just tell them its ads, and some numbers, and its done deal.

There never was something like that, people embraced Musk and his steps towards more free speech.

What? Numbers? Yes, they have fiat numbers, but all they really have is the user base and their data, and some servers and office rooms. Besides that, they have nothing. And if you dont believe the ad magic, the whole show looks like a big NSA project.

I might repeat myself, this is forbidden. I do not care how much the people wanted it or not, it is forbidden, Whatsapp is not allowed to collect or even work with the personal data of people that never gave them the permission to do so.


I don’t understand why you still waste energy to answer him…


and so on…

Fully agreed. This used to be a thread about Jolla’s subscription model and our opinions about it. Therefore, everybody please:


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Its still how the value of things is measured and how goods and services are paid for. We haven’t gone back to squirrel skins or a barter economy. As for crypto, that’s just funny money idiots speculate on like tulip seeds back in the day.

What’s with you and missing the point? You really think that by missing the point you actually win an argument?

Like most people, no, I don’t. However in this case disliking him or not is irrelevant when what he did as president is the clear, rational explanation for the figures you for some reason dragged into this.

Just numbers the same way the moon isn’t real or the lizard people aren’t the real people pulling all the strings behind the scenes… Seriously, either take your meds or go see a psychiatrist.

You claimed that it was illegal, I pointed to probably the most vigilant government body when it comes to this stuff auditing Apple and Meta and finding that they’re not doing anything illegal.

Don’t like it? Don’t use it. Can’t stand people around you using it? Go live in one of those cave communities in Spain or something…

Yes, but the money these companies have is detached from that. There is just too much money, they just generated it out of nothing.

What point am I missing?

You really think that by taking your meds you actually win an argument?

Its is illegal, I never gave them permission, I would remember that.

I am not using it, they are using my data, without my permission.


Just… No. Its the same money you and I spend every day for our daily needs. You may have had an argument if we were talking about their market capitalization, i.e what the shares are supposedly worth at their current listed price. However what we’re talking about is the money they have left in their bank accounts after they’ve paid all their expenses, taxes, factored in for amortizations. The “EBITA” stuff.

That no, people don’t just leave in droves at the drop of a hat like wetab claimed they do. Twitter is more than proof of this.

Me? I don’t need to take any meds. You however, being a literal conspiracy nut… It wouldn’t surprise me to hear you’ve been sectioned before.

Yes, the same way I can claim that your face is illegal and you should go to prison for it. That however doesn’t actually make your face any more illegal than you moaning about how Whatsapp illegally has “All muh datas” even thou you’ve never actually used it.

Simply put; You, some random shmuck on the internet, don’t write the laws or determine how they should be enforced. The EU knows what’s legal and what isn’t a lot better than you do so to claim that you know better than the EU is quite frankly laughable.