"Smart View" for SFOS to mirror the screen to a digital whiteboard?

Using an Android tablet, I can mirror my screen via “Smart View” (in the pull-down-menu) easily to a digital whiteboard, i.e. Promethean Activpanel.
On my current Xperia 10 III,, I can’t discover such a possibility. It would be nice to have such an opportunity.


Duplicate? https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/external-display-mobile-display-on-sailfishos-xperia-possible/7298

No, I want to mirror per WiFi - without any cable.

Sounds like this is about wireless though.
Surely this “Smart View” is not something that is built-in, but some specific app for that particular hardware.

Of course no such first-party apps will exist.

There are several screen-sharing apps available (on OpenRepos and probably Chum), but considering interworking with standards, i think DLNA is your best bet. The app Jupii can do just that; though last i tried, performance of screengrabbing was not good enough beyond presentations. Throwing videos across to a TV works really great though.

Available in store and OpenRepos.

And getting input back to the phone is not a thing. If i read it correctly, even the semi-official vnc server can not do that. (Not that any consumer electronics would speak the vnc protocol…)


It is wireless and it is built in on the Samsung products I have.

Okay, so it is first-party Samsung and bundled on their devices then. Same difference. It won’t help us.

And now that i got googling a bit… i seem to recall there was some work on a Miracast app too, but i think it wasn’t completed.

That’s true, I have a Samsung S6 lite, too. Other manufacturers have different names for the same function.

Does someone have good experience, using apps like “Miracast”, “Screen mirroring”, … installed over Aurorastore? Which one is recommended?

I’d be very surprised if they worked for screen mirroring on SFOS.


Ok, thanks. I found “Screencast” by nephros in Chum, I’ll try that first

I think Miracast is compatible/similar with the Samsung Smartview.

I’ve tried playing with Screencast without success, though my testing isn’t exhaustive. I need to play with it some more. The results so far aren’t encouraging in respect to it working as an option to do the same job as Smartview

Just tried Screencast (nehpros) with my pc, which worked. But you have to enter complete ip on the pc - with a “Activepanel” this could be perhaps not so elegant as the “smart view” of samung, I’ll try next week.


Sreencast didn’t work with a Promethean Activepnale 9, because I didn’t find, where I could type in the IP on the panel.
So, it’s seems to be a feature request.

How do these panels discover devices?

Is it UPnP, DNS-SD, DLNA, something else?

I have a build of Avahi somewhere maybe that could help?


In my experience, GNOME / gnome-network-displays · GitLab is the best open source tool (& it’s connection issue debugging guide a good reference) for many things network display. In short: There are many different protocols, many different connection types, with some vendor-specific differences. Many (most?) implementations are some kind of Miracast (or Chromecast), and many of them can be connected to with common tools. Some vendor-specifics exist, too. Avahi/mDNS is involved in discovery (at least with some wireless connection types, not quite sure if also in MICE=Miracast over Infrastructure Connection)

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So I have a COMPLETELY UNTESTED build of Avahi here:


I doubt it can really solve anything, but maybe some kind of custom service definition can help with device discovery.


You might try also Kamkast app from OpenRepos. With this app you can open screen-casting (or camera) session from a browser on your PC. The stream has low frame rate but it is perfectly usable.

Short video demo how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4suAdzDuG3E


Warning regarding avahi: it will drain your battery.

Background: avahi and other zeroconf work by broadcasting packet. On a busy Wifi with lots of device on the network, your phone’s avahi will spend ton of time constantly answering such broadcast.

On the plus side: the network is perfectly aware of the current device name of your and its IP and vis-versa you phone is aware of every single machine. Yay!

On the bad side: your smartphone will never go to sleep as it needs to constantly process all this traffic over wifi.

While this is perfectly fine for larger devices like laptops, it might become a bit too much stress on your poor smartphone if the network is very busy (have fun trying to run it at a University).

A possible workaround solution is to use something like, e.g., Situations, to disable the daemon under some circumstance (e.g.: if the Wifi SSID is the one from you workplace busy network, and the phone is not plugged into a charger and the screen is off, disable the avahi daemon).


Thanks for your warnings. At the moment, I don’t want to try no things that won’t work out of the box.
A native app would be a possible feature request, but other things like the camera and power-draining are more important in SFOS.