A better idea would be to not use double negatives.
My opinion is a simple one: Jolla should be making an effort to reach out to as many companies as are viable, and strike up compelling deals. They’ve started the ball rolling by licensing out Myriad Group’s Alien Dalvik, but that’s just a hypervisor for Android ultimately that can run on any OS. Sailfish is their brainchild, and Sony’s the only one they’ve been consistent to trust.
But it comes back to who’s hand is reaching out. Jolla’s lines are open, so it’s up to Fairphone to reach out, and get official support. And that would absolutely come back to the consumer, either inadvertently or directly. The extra cost writing contracts and employing technicians to optimize the hardware and software for each other, legal fees to notarize, that would drive up the cost of everything they offer if they aren’t willing to eat the loss, and I’m sure Fairphone is running under strict margins, especially in the era of COVID manufacturing. And if not just that, they might still charge a “Sailfish OS license” fee for buyers who want SFOS on their shiny new Fairphone 3+. Still, the option would be great.
Large companies like Lenovo and Dell offer Linux or Windows for a few of their machines, and there’s the companies focusing on it like Pine64, or System76. And we’ve had a few discussions of Pine64 and the Pinephone for community ports as well. The difference being that a few of these are large companies with enough customers who are clearly asking to have the official support, and are paying large sums via contracts, to have the option.
Fairphone needs to reach out. Plain and simple. If they don’t wanna pay for it, then it won’t happen.