Please, on this thread, avoid writing off-topic but technical posts. Instead, to express your opinion, use the dedicated debate thread:
If you find it closed, it is because every 4 hours some people flag it as much as necessary in order to put it in a state of unavailability, and this happens after someone puts the 9th heart on the 2nd time moderated 1st post. Therefore, if you cannot express your opinion there, then complain with the forum staff or, even simpler, send me a private message, but do not do it here.
This thread is reserved for the news about the SFOS refactoring project, code name RedFish OS, and here below are the most meaningful full links to start learning about this project:
SFOS refactoring project - this page contains the refactoring plan in 4 stages with a lot of links, and most of the notes that I took while I was hanging on in this forum have been reported there, reorganized, and reviewed for better English.
SFOS refactoring progress - this page contains the list of tasks about the 1st stage and their progression state, and it will be updated when significant accomplishments are done.
SFOS refactoring announce - a thread with the same title as this one but dedicated to the debate.
If you want to improve, update, or ask me about a change to the project or its content, please send me a private message or write to me by email. My email address is clearly presented on the first page of the GitHub project.
RedFish OS will probably (never say never) never have a dedicated forum, and the reason is that the âforumâ is a Latin word that, in its etymological roots, is equivalent to âagorĂ â in ancient Greek meaning: a public physical place where people living in the same geographical area are used to meet each other for a variety of social activities, and not all of those activities are reputable as good, also for the moral and ethical of that time.
Therefore, if you like the âforumâ concept, embrace it in its original meaning and go out of your home or office and make friends in the real world. The only reasonable way to use a platform like this (a virtual forum) is to use it as a wiki or bulletin board, and also for these purposes, it is not the best tool because it easily drives people out of their tracks. In fact, in a virtual environment, the social dynamics are different.
From time to time, I will write an update about work in progress as briefly as possible. If you try the software or the procedure that I am going to present here, you are welcome to write a technical post in response. Instead, opinions must go into the dedicated debate thread.
To be honest, the outlook is about completing a few tasks among those started in a way to have a minimum set of working tools and stopping the project for an indefinite time until proper conditions will arise to make sense working on it again. Therefore, I do not think that I will write a lot of updates but just a few during August 2023.