SFOS 4.5 aiming for a January release - @JollaHQ twitter account

Thanks @attah for this insight! I guess then its purely a SLA thing (=money).
Considering that Qualcomm is practically the only one left? in this business I mean (which doesnt necessarily imply closed ecosystem)

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I would expect a news letter by the end of this week


That’s also what I think. I don’t even have Twitter and have no intention to get it, especially after what that id**t Elon did to it and to his employees…
And I have not the time to check every website Jolla could be active on.
That is something that should be posted here or in the blog first
After they can post it in Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or wherever they want.

Jolla started the Blog to inform us, the community. And at the beginning they did monthly. I also remember the time the CEO wrote a Christmas entry.
That is what a “people powered” company should do.


i have nothing against twitter - or elon turning it into a viable business - but it is strange to get the silent treatment on the company’s own outlets (the forum and the blog).


Companies post little things like this on just social media all the time, it’s nothing new

A £320 phone + 50€ license has nothing mandatory.

Although I regret my N900 and would have prefered to modernize it,

I’m using SFOS on a 80€ second hand XA2 since a year.
I am very happy with it.

I even could have avoided the license as I finally don’t need android.
But the license is the least I can do to give back to Jolla a bit.
I appreciate SF alternative OS so much that I even make donations to apps devs and/or pay them some coffees.

This formula seems more constructive to me than being alone and a bit sour with an expensive brand new phone.

Alternative OSes might perhaps be seen more as an ideal to reach, a philosophy, a common effort,
rather than
a typical consumer good with warranties and consumer service.

SFOS also can be tested on even cheaper devices before to decide to dedicate an expensive phone to it.


again, to be clear:

  1. i have bought every sailish-X license jolla have put up for sale, regardless of whether i own the handset or intend to install it on one that i do possess.

  2. i do not begrudge in any way that jolla have settled on sony mid-range handsets - which tend to cost north of £300. great devices, happy to purchase.

for ref - Xperia X = SFOS (toy) / Xperia XA2 Plus = SFOS (daily driver) / Xperia 10 = Licence (don’t own) / Xperia 10ii = Licence (android app device) / Xperia 10iii = SFOS (new daily driver - when it gets mobile data).


Yes, it’s clear that a noadays phone with no data is a serious lack.


Why not just switch provider? (I know, you should’t have to. But it would be a very easy fix for your issues )
XIII on Sailfish is a great device.

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frankly, i don’t have the confidence that changing provider will be a guaranteed win at this point.

the mobile-data problems are too common across too many providers - pointing to a general problem with the ofono stack afaict.

There are older chipsets that are close to be able to run on mainline linux.

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“Older chipsets” like the ones used in the Volla & other EU ventures?

The snapdragon 845 was what i had in mind.

That would be very easy to test with a SIM from a friend/co-worker etc…

Would a 4G phone be a good entrypoint nowadays? Perhaps for the right maket…

Sounds good. No L10N strings, which points to an update with -hopefully- tons of bugfixes.

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I have no idea if you can combine an old chipset with newer modems for 5g etc. But as long as the device runs good 5g isn’t much of a necessity.

I am still waiting to switch since I want to use my device to test this issue.

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All the best wishes for Jolla!
Looking forward to 5.5 release! :slight_smile:


5.5? You’re so advanced :slight_smile:
BTW Jolla, it’s Jan, release it now.
A happy new year to everyone