Setting output-prefix fails

I’m trying to follow the build instructions for gecko but struggle early on:

sfdk config --global --push output-prefix /home/sis/experimente/sailfish/RPMS/
[D] SOFT ASSERT: "path == QDir::cleanPath(path)" in file ../../../../sailfish-qtcreator/src/libs/sfdk/virtualmachine.cpp, line 750
[D] SOFT ASSERT: "path == QDir::cleanPath(path)" in file ../../../../sailfish-qtcreator/src/libs/sfdk/virtualmachine.cpp, line 750
Invalid argument '/home/sis/experimente/sailfish/RPMS/': Path not located under Sailfish SDK workspace directory (/home/sis/)
Usage: sfdk config [--show]
       sfdk config [--<scope>] --push <name> [<value>]
       sfdk config [--<scope>] --push-mask <name>
       sfdk config [--<scope>] --drop <name>
       sfdk config [--<scope>] <name>[=[<value>]]

Configure sfdk

Try 'sfdk config --help' for more information.

I just uninstalled SDK with VirtualBox backend and installed anew with docker, could that cause issues?

I changed to a different folder and back to the desired one but skipping the trailing slash. then removed the slash from the output path and now it works

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