September 27-30 - Sailathon 24 in Prague

Ah, yeah it’s private. Let’s connect on TG.

I am not sure if I can come for whole event, but Prague is quite close to my home. Are you interested into Amazfish hacking, Nemo Mobile, or AsteroidOS related discussions?


I think Amazfish hacking would be fun. I don’t have the gear, but … Nemo Mobile is always worth discussing …

Special offer to anyone who is coming to Praha. I have a number of boards and extras of two things I build and sell, rampart and keep these are builds based on old designs. They work the same way as the finals, but have aesthetic (layout) issues. But, I use those for testing all the time. If anyone is interested in one of those, I’d bring one for you for the cost of the materials (20 Euro + tips). EDIT: Please PM/DM me :slight_smile:

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Are you interested into Amazfish hacking, Nemo Mobile, or AsteroidOS related discussions?

Anything that commits hubris, really;)

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Ok, then I’ll bring the Nemesis.

Do you guys need some beers on this Sailathon? If so, where/how can I donate you a round of beer?


I can’t speak for everyone (or?) but I think we could use beer :slight_smile: But I have no idea what the best point for a donation of beer is!!! @vlagged we can’t do this via sailmates or :slight_smile:

No clue, between you and me, who knows accounting better:p

Maybe it’s the easiest way to use an existing donation possibility of one of you or a bank transfer (if one has a German bank account) I would donate 50€ I don’t know the prices in Prague nowadays, but I think that should be enough for a round of beer.


I’m a bit uncomfortable doing it, but you could just post me some money at PayPal.Me with the purpose Sailathon24 and I’ll just pass it on.


My guess, me. But, that’s a giant pain in the …

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Even so it is PayPal at least it’s for a good cause.

Happy hacking and CHEERS


Got it! Ok, here for the public record @poetaster owes the Sailathon 24 crew 50 Euro in beer. Or other comestibles. THANK YOU @Fellfrosch … you rock!


Nothing to say thank you for. Without you guys, Sailfish would be just a shadow of itself.


Another thank you package in the mail. Thank you all for your contributions!!!


Oh, dear! Thank you @filip.k ! Well, I guess I’m buying for the duration … that’s another 50 Eu for the communal coffers! Ahoi!


Ah great big THANK YOU to all the generous SFOS users out there. Currently, the Sailathon kitty contains 170 Euros! I feel a great responsibility :slight_smile:

EDIT. We have reached 190! I’m beginning to feel like that kid collecting the milk money for school :slight_smile:
EDIT. We have reached 240! Yeah!


Another idea proposed by vlagged:

Great community response! We’ve collected 270 Euro for the Sailathon 24! Thanks!