September 27-30 - Sailathon 24 in Prague

Regarding Pipewire, I would like to share my perspective as a user.

Setting Pulseaudio for my needs (like audio effects to boost bass and add crosfeed) required editing configuration files to fine tune hardware parameters of the audio pipeline, and it never felt quite right, with occasional glitches and crashes. Once I installed Pipewire, I was good to go with audio effects. I never had to touch any hardware controls. It just works. Amazingly, the Pulseaudio compatibility inherits this property, and every audio stream is perfect in all circumstances but CPU overload. And even then, recovery is painless. The worst I had to do was restart my game, usually the buffers clean up themselves.

Regarding the Guix idea, I need to ask a more direct question, as I see no conversation around it.

Among the people attending the event, are there developers who know stuff like “where to get the correct kernel sources” and “how to set up the phone bootloader“? The point of me going is to have direct conversations of this nature.

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Hello, everyone, i will be happy that could be integrate some very secure and usefull patch directly into operating system SailfishOS, i meaning two patch like:

1.) hardened malloc used example in GrapheneOS

2.) PaX ASLR kernel security

If will be possible i mean that SailfishOS will be most secure operating system used on mobile devices.

Thanks in advance for your response and your comments on that.



Well, yes and no. @vlagged has certainly done porting and I’ve read all the hadk documentation, but I avoid the kernel work. For a couple of day hackathon, I think it’s a bit too deep dive.

As with the quix / kernel and bootloader questions, I think it’s too deep dive for a hackathon. Looking at last years work on hydrogen, I think setting a doable goal is a good idea ™.

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Thank you @poetaster for your reply.

This is good enough for me to start planning the journey. I will be happy if I will be able to SSH into my Pinephone with Guix on it at the end of the event. The goal is to apply only the most generic ideas necessary to make the system bootable, so that I will be able to continue fiddling at my leisure without further hand holding.

The other goal is to make some real connections with people building this community, which is arguably more important. I do not want to be yet another mouth to be fed with better hardware support.


for the meantime @Obikawa, do you know this telegram group? Telegram: Contact @sailfishos_porters they’re really helpful there


not to forget, the irc channel, #sailfishos-porters … not sure which has more traffic?

I know Guix is not nix, exactly, but had you looked through the nix thread here: ❄️ Installing the nix package manager on SailfishOS - #9 by rozgwi ? Just curious.

That is not the point of my project. Guix packages will come for free once I get the operating-system record rolling.

What do you mean by that?

EDIT: You don’t mean going all ‘GNU Guix - Wikipedia’ or? That would not work without tossing out SFOS.

In Guix OS, operating-system is Guile record defining things like kernel, bootloader, initram, partitions, services, packages… You can get the system deployed with just a partition, bootloader and kernel, if I remember correctly. Everything else is optional.

You deploy the system with a ‘guix system init’ command, pointing to the source code of the system definition and the target partition. With use of filesystem labels, you can deploy to arbitrary disks and move them around.

My project is halfway in that direction: use the Guix code base to “implement” Sailfish OS on top of the technology stack.

Ok, got ya. You mean write scheme files to define a state like in Guix systems. Got ya. I started a thread under platform development which would be better than discussing in this thread. Sorry to get sidetracked.

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For a beginner topic I could suggest adding login support to Discourser, it should be mostly busy-work copying existing functionality from sfos forum viewer (with slight modifications), all qml and at least I hope this is now possible with esr91 webview, but lost my phone, so can’t check right now and need that C2 asap, see you there


Another area that could be tackled is support for Atom Feed/RSS as an

  • events view widget

which requires

  • libsocialcache functionality
  • SFOS accounts management and UI
  • buteo plugin

(the original request was a Mastodon home feed implementation, but I think RSS is much easier and can support more diverse use cases, including the Mastodon feed one)


Yes, mastodon rss feeds work. I’ve been sort of ‘sidelining’ the events feed requests for tooter since I don’t want that. I also don’t want background activity for rss feeds (hence not looking for tidings). My life is too noisy as it is.

But, I may be in a minority of one; who knows. I am interested in the libsocialcache and buteo plugin work, though, so I’d be interested in this. It could be activated by configuration and in separate packages in both the case of tooter or tidings. Or, a modality of the feed event view.

I wonder if it makes more sense for chat like Fernschreiber (is this already in Yottagram? @Mister_Magister ) … I’ve only had a brief look through the libsocial and buteo code, but it’s not ‘that much’ work …

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If someone makes a libsocialcache Rust wrapper, I’ll have to get Signal stories in the event view :see_no_evil:


I think combining @nephros and your idea could get us a lot of mileage!


Anyone travelling from Austria? I start from Graz and am pondering whether to take the train or go by car.

If by car I could pick up up to three people e.g. in Vienna or anywhere along the way.

PM me if interested.

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I live in Vienna and i would be interested. I didn’t find out how to send you a pm on mobile, maybe your profile is set to private?