September 27-30 - Sailathon 24 in Prague

Got it! Ok, here for the public record @poetaster owes the Sailathon 24 crew 50 Euro in beer. Or other comestibles. THANK YOU @Fellfrosch … you rock!


Nothing to say thank you for. Without you guys, Sailfish would be just a shadow of itself.


Another thank you package in the mail. Thank you all for your contributions!!!


Oh, dear! Thank you @filip.k ! Well, I guess I’m buying for the duration … that’s another 50 Eu for the communal coffers! Ahoi!


Ah great big THANK YOU to all the generous SFOS users out there. Currently, the Sailathon kitty contains 170 Euros! I feel a great responsibility :slight_smile:

EDIT. We have reached 190! I’m beginning to feel like that kid collecting the milk money for school :slight_smile:
EDIT. We have reached 240! Yeah!


Another idea proposed by vlagged:

Great community response! We’ve collected 270 Euro for the Sailathon 24! Thanks!


Note: Taskwarrior and Todoist are very different platforms and they won’t be able to share code.

Todoist doesn’t have a SFOS-native UI at the moment ao that would have to start from zero. For Taskwarrior there’s Taak already, that could be nudged forward too :wink:


I heard there are two Taak devs present in Prague anyway. :eyes:

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Voice- and especially videocalls would be extremely great and fill a big gap on SFOS in my opinion, but since I can’t contribute anything myself, this is just an unqualified interjection from the sidelines.


I would re-phrase that, I think I’d like to use an existing technology for tasks/todo: CalDAV :slight_smile:

  • A native Todo app. As I was looking up what to use for KDE and found a Todoist client just like @direc85 suggested in this thread: Native Todoist app? However, since then I found that and KOrganizer can save Tasks into CalDav (presumably) and should also be visible in Thunderbird. This is why I am now thinking to add a Todo feature based on caldav to SailfishOS. More like
    • Bonus points: re-use the existing calendar account
    • integrate with browser as “read later”:-P

I also had a thought along these lines. I was thinking of next cloud integration, explicitly. It’s a great idea to piggy back on the calendar account. To this purpose, I had started working on Tasks | — Community Repository System I got stalled last year …

Edit: I just saw that @Thaodan had put some work in at SailfishOS-Mirrors/harbour-tasks - harbour-tasks - Gitea: Git with a cup of tea


Bonus points: re-use the existing calendar account

I may add also that CalDAV Buteo sync plugin should be able to synchronize todos out of the box, after some testing of course…

About KOrganizer, I’m currently rewriting the mKCal plugin for QtPim (and thus QtOrganizer classes), see GitHub - dcaliste/qtorganizer-mkcal as it could be later used by UBPorts. They are currently planning to switch away from evolution server for the backend of calendar events. They may switch to use mKCal and Buteo, depending how large the changes are and how correctly the new backend would work well or not with their UI. SailfishOS itself is not using QtOrganizer but if you plan to use it for a project, it could once again have a mKCal backend and thus integrate properly with calendar events in SailfishOS.

During the time of QtMobility, QtOrganizer had a mKCal backend, but it has not been updated as far as I know since the switch to Qt5 (and Qt6). QtOrganizer and mKCal has changed their API since QtMobility and I prefered to recode the plugin from scratch than update the old one from QtMobility.

Edit : as usual, I mis-read Korganizer and QOrganizer… Well, I guess KOrganizer is directly based on KCalendarCore and not QtOrganizer… Anyway, nice move to add todos via CalDAV, either based on KCalendarCore (used in Sailfish OS) or QtOrganizer (with potentially a shared backend with Sailfish OS).


You mean GitHub - dcaliste/buteo-sync-plugin-webcal ?

No, actually the official one : GitHub - sailfishos/buteo-sync-plugin-caldav

Currently, it is filtering out the todos in the request. But one can add todos in the request to.


@jauri.gagarin.II for sure you hit the nail with this. Voice and even better video calling is really something to look forward into the future of SFOS native apps like Whisperfish & Fernschreiber! I think if this goal could be achieved, there is a potential to reduce power consumption in video calls that is with Signal & Telegram Android apps currently not possible. I’ve noticed a huge current drain of more than 1A when camera & audio is on in those Android apps. Of course this depends if the user calls via Wifi or in 4G network.

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I had a recent conversation with @Mister_Magister and thought, well, there is voice call support in yottagram … so there may be some joint efforts at least where Fernschreiber is concerned. Though, you can just use Yotta … I kinda like Fernschreiber because of the name :slight_smile:

As I understand it, voice and video are in the works from @rubdos and @direc85 ?

Is the scope of either of these efforts within a 4 day hackathon?


I kind of expect that most of the power usage goes into the video encoder. For voice calls however, should be pretty much fine!


I’m honestly not sure yet. There will be UI work, integration work with Telepathy (I want to pick up calls with my hands-free!), and the whole call state management system that’s specific to Signal or Telegram. And of course, the whole multimedia pipeline will be very interesting too…

I’m trying to prepare as much Signal-specific code by the time I get to Prague, but it’s rather difficult to guage how much work it will still be…


why not yottagram?

Sorry to butt in but the official short name is yotti, sounds cuter than yotta :stuck_out_tongue:


Offtopic: i use yottagram only for sending multiple pictures and for voicecalls. Those are really nicely implemented features.