Sending text messages not working

HARDWARE: Jolla C2 Community Edition


Sending text messages (SMS) is not working (receiving works)



  1. Insert SIM
  2. Turn on phne
  3. Send text message to another phone/number


Text Message is beeing sent


Text message is not sent; Error Message: “Problem beim Senden der Nachricht”



Austrian network provider (HoT, uses network of “Magenta” and “Drei”)


Just to clarify that this applies to both SIM1 and SIM2 slots?

Yes, just verified, both SIM slots don’t work.

3g/2g should
20 chaaaaars

Thanks, 2g works, but this is just a workaround, as 2g is not usable for internet connection and voice quality is not that great.

Until Volte packages will be included we’ll have to endure that.

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Don’t think so, my operator has no volte and 4g calls (outgoing) work, it’s more about the new stack being partially broken, volte seems like a separate topic

This cannot be correct. VoLTE calls are the only “4G calls” there are. So what is working must be fallback to 3G/2G.


On ‘prefer 4g’ outgoing calls work and the display doesn’t drop to 3g, so it’s not magical volte that will fix outgoing sms/incoming calls, it’s the whole stack that’s broken (yes they most likely go through 3g, or maybe even 2g, but it’s not volte related at all)

It is entirely possible that fallback was configured to 3G, and that it has since been retired, fallback not reconfigured - in that case; yes VoLTE(IMS) will help.

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Yes as had been for the 10 last years, old fallback to 3g is partially working (only on outgoing calls even if with buggy indicator), they are probably intertwined with volte on newer stack, but on 3g calls in and out and sms in and out are working fine, don’t believe jolla needs to implement volte in order to get my incoming calls fixed, when my operator doesn’t even support volte, magic thinking (and with all volte options missing from settings too)

Of course; but this thread isn’t about your issue. VoLTE will only help where available.

Also, the modem must have a really crappy interface and need for config if client software can influence (absence of) fallback in any other way than through IMS registration. I certainly don’t envy Jolla having to deal with that.

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Agreed, just pointing out the failures on 4g are not really “volte will fix it”, just breakages of previously working functionality

Very strange. My C2 works :heart_eyes: great (more or less apart from known issues). Yesterday after all those my years with SFOS I tried my first Andy app. To my big surprise and joy it worked and setup was easy. But …

In the evening I noticed that I can’t send ordinary SMS anymore. Receiving is still working. On 2G or 4G (3G was shutdown before).

So it seems that seting up AppSupport or installing Andy app somehow has messed that up.

Any ideas?

Edit: I did change some nonrelated changes. The bigest was Sailfish Connect which works great!

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Hi, just chiming in because I have the same issues with my vendor’s newly distributed 5G SIM. Unfortunately they disabled my old SIM and now I’m pretty much stuck with a non-working phone.

The phone needs to be set explicitly to “Prefer 4G” in order for mobile internet to work. However, no calls or SMS possible.

When I explicitly set it back to “Prefer 3G”, I can receive SMS and make calls. No sending of SMS (or MMS, for that matter) is possible in any of those modes though (2G/3G/4G).

The C2 is my primary phone, and I cannot reach out to parts of my family anymore :-/

If VoLTE is the answer, I’d be happy if somebody could answer these questions or point me in the right direction, if possible:

  1. Are the jollyboys working on VoLTE for C2 right now? And if so, is this issue to be resolved within a reasonable amount of time?
  2. Is there a place where one can track the progress of this in terms of issues and pull requests?
  3. How can one contribute in speeding up development? I read somewhere that help is needed in terms of testing local providers. How to get in touch?
  4. With providers being eager to get people to adopt 5G, can anyone recommend providers in Germany that still offer non-5G mobile contracts?

Oh and I should point out that I’m just getting familiar with this whole topic, and hence I apologize in case I’m not getting the terminology 100% correct.

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They are working on that allright.

In my EU country it’s very easy to change the provider and keep the number. I would try that in the mean time as Germany probably have that too.

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I had the problem of not being able to send sms, but being able to send them, and your reaction helped me find a workaround.
I rebooted my phone, and send the sms before appsupport had time to start, and the sms did send succesfully.

I don’t think stopping appsupport will not help (did not really test it, just something I think I remember), but when it doesn’t have started yet, it will send.

So disabling app support at boot in appsupport settings will enable you to send sms, until app support is started.

It wouldn’t surprise me if this is connected to appsupport not being able to use mobile data.

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I also have had the same issue the last couple of days. Before finding this thread I stumbled across another one which worked for me: Jolla not receiving and/or sending SMS -

In short, it was to delete ~/.local/share/commhistory/commhistory.db and reboot your phone.

This is a bit brutal approach. If ofono is in fail state there is a bit nicer way.

Hi, Jolla c2 user here.
The SMS sending problem is solved by downgrading your networksettings to 3G.
The phone will show then 2.5G, which is remarkeble.
Grtz, J