SDK Deploy error on Xperia 10


I try to deploy a app via the SDK to my Xperia 10, but i get some errors?

Error loading key “(stdin)”: invalid format

20:17:29: The process “/home/rudi/.config/SailfishSDK/libsfdk/build-target-tools/Sailfish OS Build Engine/SailfishOS-” exited with code 1.

Error while building/deploying project harbour-sailbook (kit: SailfishOS- (in Sailfish OS Build Engine))

The kit SailfishOS- (in Sailfish OS Build Engine) has configuration issues which might be the root cause for this problem.

When executing step “RPM”

What are the properties of the key you use? (Check with ssh-keygen -l -f <path>).

Please paste the path you assume your key lives at.

Please paste the <device> tag for your device from ~/SailfishOS/vmshare/devices.xml.

Hi Martyone,

I have change virtualbox to Docker now so i can not test it for the moment…

Bu i will reinstall virtualbox and the sdk later today again then i let you know.

This is fixed now i open the port one my firewall.