Sailfish OS for Fairphones devices

Nice :slight_smile: At least for the browser it helped setting that value from 2 to 3. One of the two Apps looks better now, thank you!
The Mail App, however, still shows the Mails (not the folder view of course) in the small size. Do you have an idea for that, too?

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Maybe it picks up the same setting, try killing all jolla-email processes or restarting

Have someone tried to install Android App Support Packages from Sony Xperia 10 III or Jolla C2 on the Fairphone
4/5 ? Maybe its worth a test?

When i had Fairphone 2, we found out that we could use Alien Dalvik Packages from the mysterious Turning phone. Both devices shared the same SoC and it worked under SailfishOS 2. In the later Versions it was not possible anymore…

Who is willing to test, please PM me.


Thanks for the hint @vlagged ! You helped me much. It works like a charm!

On Fennec this variable is originally set to -1 , so I set it to (+) 3 and this made letters better readable, a bit larger but doesn’t waste too much area on the tiny screen.

btw, i have absolutely no idea for what this original negative value should be good, does anyone know?

edit OT: found a value of -1 also on desktop Linux version of Firefox 128.6.0esr (64-Bit), and set it to +2.5 for a 10 inch / full HD mini laptop. I think, with this value one can trim the ‘normal’ font size to personal flavour.

edit OT: on big desktop with 24" screen changing this variable from -1 to +1 also speeds up page rendering significantly.
edit OT:

Didn’t work on Fairphone4. So Waydroid might be the way if someone can do some (bug) fixes for the Fairphones and get it running :wink: