Sailfish on VollaOS

it’s a tool to flash Stock ROM on devices with MediaTek-Chip. Only MediaTek! i’ve got a Gigaset GS290 and tried ubuntu-touch, but i couldn’t get back to Android Stock-ROM. i found SP-Flash-Tool, tried it and it worked. it also works to flash VollaOS on GS290. With my first GS290 i lost both IMEI because i didn’t had enough Attention. Sadly i can’t restore it. I use this phone for Navigation, Music etc…


Thanks for sharing this experience.
What is the thing not to do to not risk loosing the IMEI?

I can only share my experience!!!
Flash only with SIM
After booting, first check the presence of both IMEIs.
If the IMEIs are missing, restore the factory settings directly.
I had no problems with VollaOS 10. GS290 StockROM was sometimes difficult.


Because of lazyness I never removed the SIM card when flashing… What luck i had with all my flashing and reflashing!!!

Thank you for your idea @flinkevend, but for me this is not an option because I don’t trust a (probably abandoned) closed source firmware flashing tool. I wrote Volla an E-Mail to see what is possible. I will let you updated if there is anything new.

Thanks everyone.

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@poetaster are you still using whisperfish? i tried using it as a secondary app. But the connection is often interrupted. Often nothing is sent although the green sign is displayed in the overview. It’s similar with receiving messages…

I must admit that I gave up on whisperfish. More contacts using telegram (Fernschreiber) being one reason, but the frequent problems (groups never worked properly for me) led me astray :slight_smile:

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At the moment on my Volla / GS290, SFOS is installed and works fine apart from some browser issues. Slow user interaction response and still some crashes.

Therefore my question: Is it now a good moment to upgrade to by the usual CLI commands, to get the new browser upgrades? Will it work or will it crash? Or should I better wait until the next edition from @piggz ?

Thanks for any suggestions and infos!

I think it’s worth waiting until @piggz confirms it’s safe. I know that he is currently on vacation (family holiday).


Thanks, then I better wait.

Happy holidays @piggz !

Is there an option to only update the browser to the new version and leave the rest of the system as it is?

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@piggz , I saw your great work for the Volla 22 on other thread, and want to ask if the port for ‘old’ Volla (GS290) is also ready for upgrade in the usual way by CLI.

Kind regards and many thanks for your contributions to SFOS @ Volla !

Oh, is the Volla22 update to .21 ready? I must be losing track!

and the original volla and volla-x … though i havnt tested them!


Now I upgraded the Volla from to by CLI this way:

sfos-upgrade --verify    # check
post_sfos-upgrade        # clean up
ssu re          # set to new version
ssu ur                   # update repository
sfos-upgrade             # start upgrade




pkcon install calligra      # requested by Fotokopierer
vi /etc/gbinder.d/anbox-hybris.conf   # 4 x change the 2 to 3 for Waydroid as requested
systemctl disable --now dnsmasq       # as requested in Waydroid installing hints

Everything worked well, all apps working, except mobile data.

While updating (first sfos-upgrade command) there were the following error messages (all the rest went well):

- Fetching and installing the SailfishOS upgrade from to (this may take a while):
Finished transaction (status=1, runtime=1210692ms)
[77 %] [Install] connman 1.32+git194-1.19.2.jolla: [100 %][W] unknown:0 - QConnmanEngine: Unable to translate the bearer type of the unknown network technology: ""
[94 %] [Install] sailfish-aml 1.0.4-1.2.2.jolla: [100 %][W] unknown:0 - QConnmanEngine: Unable to translate the bearer type of the unknown network technology: ""
[98 %] [Install] ofono-ril-plugin 1.0.6-1.3.1.jolla: [100 %][W] unknown:0 - QConnmanEngine: Unable to translate the bearer type of the unknown network technology: ""
[98 %] [Install] ofono-ril-binder-plugin 1.2.7-1.5.1.jolla: [100 %][W] unknown:0 - QConnmanEngine: Unable to translate the bearer type of the unknown network technology: ""
Finished transaction (status=1, runtime=746750ms)

Phone works incoming and outgoing voice, SMS works, WLAN works fine, all apps working.
Mobile data 4G, 3G and 2G all dead, (maybe the operator sees a new system on an old IMEI and therefore now puzzled?)

Screen stucks sometimes or often. Then it’s necessary to standby/wake up with power button to get it back working. This was the real reason for updating, but isn’t better now. Also not worse, but the same.

Can I install the 4 missing packages by CLI?

What shall I do with the error messages above from update process?? :heart:

i do not have time, but ofono plugins are those that had to get from propper repo when i had my issues.
check for my questions regarding volla, and yes an answer from piggz solved my problems

ok this is the thread:

but my symptoms were different AND seems poetaster did help me, still i would check it out


Thanks very much for the hint @pawel.spoon , I found it, and it works. Mobile data now back again and everything’s fine! edit: reboot necessary, restarting network by SFOS Utilities is not enough.

It was this I forgot to note in my records:

"I better fix, is to edit /etc/connman/main.conf, and add ifb to the list of blacklisted devices, like
NetworkInterfaceBlacklist = p2p,usb,rmnet,rev_rmnet,ifb

and added the ifb at the end, this was easy and mobile data is working fine now."

but now you reminded me. Thanks again!

And many many thanks @piggz for this wonderful port!

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@Seven.of.nine, please do not double-post.

If you really think one of your messages is also relevant at another place, do link to it there, so discussion happens at a single location: the original one. By copying messages and posting them multiple times at different places, you create multiple, disconnected threads, which is bad in a couple of ways.

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Yes, OK, removed. (Post must have at least 20 characters)


Finally my Volla 22 now has the dual-boot running stable with SFOS - and even Waydroid. Dont like it (having waydroid) but as it is needed for the (damned) whatsapp…

Thank you for all the experts. Your work is appreciated!