Sailfish on VollaOS

i am on and phone works
i did loose calling at some point and had to install proper ofono package
but rest does work

i did not play around with partitions

I reflashed now, @piggz 's port works like a charm, but every attempt to update ruins the OS, at least makes it slow, at worst leads to total crash. Now I leave it as it is and have installed a minimum of apps and will look for a mini-laptop for portable work and use the phone only as WLAN access point. I’m sick of permanently struggling against unnecessary limits e.g. the tiny root partition or have to fear that an update ruins everything and I have again to work a whole day to restore it.

maybe i should make the rootfs 8gb like other new devices


Yes!!! Please!!! :heart_eyes: (20 chars)

had problems too with mobile network and wifi switched off sometimes. Had to reboot the device sometimes. Went back to Works stable at the moment. Browser worked laggy. I removed calculator. feels better ( i suppose😎)

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I observed that the presence of Jolla Calculator slows down the phone, even when app is not in use. Deinstallation speeds up the device. Reason unknown. To have a calculator on the phone, I installed RPNcalc from Storeman, that I like more.
Sailfish Weather behaves similar, so I also deinstalled it. No substitute, because I don’t need it.

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removed sailfish weather! you’re right! it’s faster. thanks​:+1::ok_hand:

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Q: Does it make sense for a, say so, advanced user and interested person (like me), but not a coder, to enable developer updates in settings - developer tools? What will then come? In case ‘yes’, how to do the required registration? Is this also possible on Volla or is it only for officially supported devices?

I can’t answer the question, but I have explicitly chosen to NOT have developer updates on. I want the state of the device to be close to what the user has. Cough.


Today I reflashed the Volla using UBports Installer 0.9.7.beta on Linux (as always) and saw that there is SFOS! Thank you very much for updating @piggz ! :star_struck:

But a new installed SFOS is now 1,2 GB large (was 1 GB a week before /, Free space is now 1,1 GB (was 1,4 GB a week before), and mobile data connection is broken. Root partition size is still 2,4 GB :sob: Is there any hope for me? :cry:

edit: mobile data is broken.

I know this is sort of the ‘wrong’ answer, but I would suggest taking advantage of a deal That’s a rephone, new condition, for 149 euro. If you can afford it, it has a replaceable battery and 6GB of Ram. The default install has 5+ GB of space. It’s a lot less hassle and it’s a fast phone. Sadly, even all that RAM doesn’t solve the bombing browser problem.

I’m still happy to use my original Volla for development only and I keep it at 4.4 (and a GS290 at 3.4) but that’s for testing and development purposes. Daily driver is the rephone (GS5 backup).

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@poetaster , keeping at 4.4 or 3.4, does this mean not to update or do you know a way to fresh flash a Volla from computer (without direct internet download while flashing as UBports Installer does)? Do you know an option to archive the flash files for the SFOS versions on computer and flash a Volla with a choosen one? My little problem is now, at the moment I’m only able to flash the Volla using UBports Installer and I depend on the version UPports Installer loads from the internet at flashing time. I don’t know any way to control what SFOS version will be flashed. I see this only when ready and rebooted. So it happened yesterday… Do you know how to flash again while waiting until the bug is fixed?

Have you seen this?


Thank you very much, I didn’t know this but now had a look there and now I understand better. This helps me much, thanks again!

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I usually do a VollaOs install with Ubports and then just run the script from an archive download from gitlab. I think you’re on that with the instructions from @Pasik2 ?

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So you do both, 1. flashing with UBports and then 2. the script? Do I understand this right?

Yes. To make sure I have the correct Android base, I use ubports. But then, I skip right to the flashing with the script from the archive. On the GS5/Rephone, it’s been the build from gitlab.

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Do you interrupt the flashing process with UBports Inst. at some point and proceed with script from archieve? Or do you run both procedures simply one after the other?

Just one after the other. Usually I boot the vollaos to check if everything works, and then boot into fastboot mode to run the flash script.

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Thanks very much for clearing this, btw, I have no dual boot and assume, that makes things easier…