from the update to
i am requested to reenter the password for my email account almost every day
there has been no reboot in that duration, nothing but normal use phone calls, sms, mail reading, almost nothing else
Which mail provider are you using?
Ok, I’m using Infomaniak and saw this issue. Once I deleted and created my account again, I never saw this issue.
Now that I had to configure a new phone, I’m even unable to configure my account
new phone, which one,
do you mean with SFOS?
I gave up using the mail software provided by Jollyboys because after a certain amount of time (rather random, linked to a connection that goes wrong?) I had to delete the mail account opened at Ouvaton on my xperia and then redo it by resetting the parameters. I did it once, then a second time, and it’s been a bit of a pain ever since. As a result, my Ouvaton e-mail account is now managed by K9mail. And it’s been working perfectly ever since! This changeover was carried out well before the last update.
I will try to reopen an account on the native app for my mail at
in my case it happens since the last update
if i understand well K9mail works only as an android app
i had not like to do that
moreover i had it installed on an android tablet and the least i can say was that i was not very satsified with it
I have experienced something similar but
thanks to all for all the answers
yesterday things got worse and worse with the request coming about every quarter of an hour
the funny thing is that it did not seem to prevent emails from being received or sent
and from this morning on (about 12 hours) the request did not appeared
that remember me this Murphys’Law which seems to apply to Jolla or Jollybos nowadays
“If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization”
Did you try to delete the account an reinstall it?
Is this only a problem with Ouvaton? So maybe it is a Ouvaton problem? A quick look in the Quvaton forum found one example for other people have the same issue:
Have you other emails accounts working with the native email app?
i do not have any other email account so in cannot check
but as i pointed out this appeared after the last update and used to wotk fllawlessy since my jolla 1 in 2014
so this can be considered as an SFOS related trouble
and it works for years without any trouble on my two linux komputer
i did not had any request since last night, so maybe???
Same here (SFOS, needed to delete my general email account. I waguely recall this happend when I changed the password in the past too. I noticed he setting passwords screen does not have any ‘Save/Accept’ button, although it seems setting password for incoming email (IMAP) works for me. Setting the outgoing password (for SMTP server) did not work, and even when email client tried to send email and requested me to login to continue it did not succeed. All connections use SSL.
I had the issue that after changing my email password server side, my phone always asked me to reenter my password for this account. The issue came from an outgoing mail that was still in the sending folder. I’m using an authenticated SMTP login and there is a peculiarity in the reenter password dialog : it only updates the incoming (POP3 or IMAP4) password. One needs to go to the account page, pull down to open the server settings and update the SMTP password. Then, it also requires to pop the server settings and accept the account dialog page, otherwise the settings are not saved.
I see that you tried to reenter your SMTP password in the server setting page. Maybe you didn’t accept the account dialog like it happened to me when I went back to the email immediately and try to send the outgoing mail, resulting in a failure and a notice that I need to reenter my credentials again.
The fact that the reenter dialog is not updating the outgoing password, but only the incoming one is a bit confusing.