Unduue notification Problem with sending email


quite often, from one to several times a day i receive this notification

“Problem with sending email
Account (my_account)”

while i am NOT trying to send any email and the account is active

this happens with and never happened before

jean pierre aubry

You’re still using ouvaton as mail provider?

of course yes
and i would change phone OS before changing mail provider
but the point is not there
it ran flawlessly with previous version, with new one it raises this notification

I have some issues with the native mail app too and have to use K-9 Mail :frowning:

Anyway, I found this bug report which gives some hints.

In my opinion, a crappy workaround to solve it is to restart messageserver5 as a normal user:

systemctl --user restart messageserver5

Of course, some logs would be useful to fix this issue. Have a look at this tutorial to collect logs related to the email app. If you need help, don’t hesitate to send me a private message.

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Have you checked that there isn’t a mail stuck in your Queue/Outbox/whatever that’s in French?



Have you checked that there isn’t a mail stuck in your Queue/Outbox/whatever that’s in French?

humm !! that may be the reason

I have in the folder “Draft” 12 empty emails which look like an attempt to answer to a mail i received

let me tell you that if this the reason it is even worse than what i suspected as i have the policy to NEVER NEVER answer or sent a mail from my mobile

i go back home often enough for the answer to wait to be done from my home komputer

again i never had this happening before 4.0.525

It’s a but unintuitive, but you have to explicitly do ‘Discard Draft’ from the composer to delete a draft, otherwise it is saved to Drafts.
Those mails are usually not synched to the server though.

i see the point
but these drafts are created right upon the receival of some mails
without any action from my part
on which criteria does this happen ?
is there some hidden configuration file which states that
as i stated above i ONLY read my email on SFOS phone
i answer them from my komputer NEVER NEVER from SFOS
and again this did not happen before

The Drafts folder should not be relevant tomy question.

But of course, empty it out maybe it helps.

Come to think of it there used to be problems with SFOS Email: messages not getting deleted etc. but I think it’s been fixed. Maybe you just need to clear out the cache.