[Release notes] Vanha Rauma

I don’t think they’re the same.


Oh. Oh! That’s very well hidden…!

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Transfers should rather be called Downloads, IMHO, but cannot help. It is not the file manager. However, in Settings > Transfers one can easily install a downloaded rpm simply by tapping it.

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pkcon install sailfish-filemanager

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Thank you @ichthyosaurus for the quick fix!

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In case of harbour-file-browser from @ichthyosaurus one kann add the following lines


to usr/share/applications/harbour-file-browser.desktop as discribed here for Storeman.

It makes the “hidden” files and folders seeable.


Yes, this Settings - Storage - pulldown Filemanager works fine and shows all files. I didn’t know that this is also named ‘File manager’, not even that it’s there… :wink: , sorry.
As said, this works.

I was talking before, of @ichthyosaurus 's File browser, that’s no more working.

I installed ‘Sailfish-filemanager’ now and the installation worked.
But it’s the same bug as with @ichthyosaurus 's File browser: Exactly the same, existing, dir’s and file are not shown!

Hi. Upgrade failed for me on Xperia 10 II. I then finish it by usual ssu release && version --dup. But now, call UI is not working! In journal I found out:

Xperia invoker[19796]: /usr/bin/voicecall-ui: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Telephony/libsailfishtelephonyplugin.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4i18n12phonenumbers11PhoneNumberC1EPN6google8protobuf5ArenaE

It is issue with my installation, or with release in general? All packages are up-to-date.

edit: when I start voicecall-ui from terminal, I get:

/usr/bin/voicecall-ui: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Telephony/libsailfishtelephonyplugin.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4i18n12phonenumbers11PhoneNumberC1EPN6google8protobuf5ArenaE

edit3: that symbol exists in /usr/lib64/libphonenumber.so.8.12, but I am not sure why it is failing?

edit4: force reinstalling related packages solves the issue. WTF…

zypper --plus-content debug install -f \
  libphonenumber libphonenumber-geocoding \
  sailfish-components-telephony-qt5  voicecall-ui-jolla

Let me write an appreciation post for Sailjail: despite all the momentary issues now that the Big Switch is happening, sandboxing is a huge step forward in terms of security and I am glad that it was introduced.

Thanks Jolla!


Transfers show the outgoing items also, for example shared items via bluetooth. Therefore, ‘transfers’ does seem like the correct name.

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Ditto with me with Xperia 10 II. The update stuck at 100 % (=full bar).

After waiting about ten minutes and doing normal shutdown by pressing the power button, and then doing normal restart with pressing the power button, the device booted to and things are seemingly ok.


Regarding the new bluetooth NFC pairing: I tested this with SONY WH-CH710N over-the-ear headphones which can be paired by NFC. However the headphones turned on once I came close to the NFC tag but pairing did not work.

NFC logger also did not show any PDUs received.

Maybe someone who bought a Xperia III with the headphone bundle can give it a try?

@svalmont I agree, this is really frustrating. Also the statement I read, that VoLTE will not come to ‘older’ devices (Xperia 10). It’s a well known fact, that these devices CAN VoLTE under Android out of the box, so why should it not be possible under SFOS?? The hardware can do it, the underlying original Sony binaries can do it, so I don’t know what’s against implementing it for the Xperia 10.

edit: @KuroNeko OK, so I have to correct myself: VoLTE will come later to older devices.


I experienced that issue a few times, but it resolved itself a few days later. Maybe try clearing the zypper cache, installing something from the store or just waiting a bit.

There were no statements about older devices. The only statement said, that it will come to the X10 II first, presumably because that’s the hardware they are developing it on first. Presumably other devices will be supported at a later point, but it makes sense to target one specific set of hardware first instead of spreading out development resources trying to do everything at once.


Thank you for this update!.Much appreciated!
The update went smooth on my XA2 plus. Data were saved (sd card not possible because of broken card slot).
The browser is faster now.
MagicEarth starts faster (not yet checked while driving).
Fernschreiber: video calls not yet possible.
Storeman doesn’t work anymore. Removing and re-installing does not help.
The same with Chum.


I forgot: concerning sandboxing it’s really annoying that we have to agree with all the permissions with every application.

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This annoying asking for all permissions occurs, because if the needed permissions are not defined in an app, it asks for all. And personally, I think this will be more a temporarily phenomenon until all apps are updated in near future and then will have their really needed permissions defined.

edit: Chum works if you go to Chum settings, there on the bottom of the page, enter ‘’ into Chum repository field. Then apps are back, but the old versions. For the future, to get the updated app versions as soon as they are available, you must then cancel this entry so that Chum searches for 4.4 versions in future.


How can I open the new “Add memory leak test pages” in the browser?