[Release notes] Vanha Rauma

If the browser is already running, it works indeed. So maybe some arguments get discarded because of SailJail?

If the right name is sailfish-office, no.
From terminal I got this:

[defaultuser@Xperia10II-DualSIM ~]$ sailfish-office
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library “libGLESv2_adreno.so” not found
library “eglSubDriverAndroid.so” not found

Yes it is. Those errors are always there, so not fatal.

Has anybody problems with the new browser?
It sometimes terminates. Maybe it is related to memory - since I have had huge apps like Teams and Outlook (Android) running.


The last time, it seemed to have another cause.
With EMBED_CONSOLE=1, the log shows

Call EmbedLiteApp::StopChildThread().

It was here in this forum page. Is there a good way to debug spontaneous terminates?


Xparia 10 II: GUI install failed as I did not remove storeman, Wisperfish and one another… After GUI install announced failure, OS was showing the version 4.4, but almost everything was the same as in 4.3. Then I used sfos-upgrade and it finished the job. So far so good. Storeman refused to start, so I removed it and installed storeman-installer. ATM, it fails to install storeman - therefore no usable storeman ATM. Hope storeman and storeman-installer get fixed in near future.
No other critical issues detected so far except for less or more all applications requesting permissions and those permissions requested are way over what I’d expect they should have.
What I miss the most: MFA support for exchange online…


There’s already ways to make it work, no real need for fixes. See here


It is already fixed (at least it works for me):


same here, xa2, no wifi after ‘update is not possible’ message.

Update went smoothly on 10 II. The phone call quality has improved significantly, I can hear everyone loud and clear compared to before and they can hear me better too. Phone seems to be more responsive. Browser is a BIG improvement, thank you. Some Android apps still complain about not having internet access when switching from MobileData to WiFi. Also I did notice a couple of times apps shutting down - probably memory was low and they have been killed.


harbour-storeman-0.3.0-2.armv7hl.rpm says xdg-open not found for me (XA2).
Edit: Read above about the installer bug, install done via pkcon, it appears to be working now.

Thanks very much! Downloaded the .rpm just now with computer from github, transferred the .rpm to the phone (Xperia 10 / 4.4) and it worked like a charm immediately. It also found the old ‘Geheimnis Cookie’ from old installation/version and logged in successfully without any problems. Installation of an app for testing also succeeded.

XA2 user here - anyone noticed issues with proximity sensor? After update it’s annoying like some time ago - my ear again hangs my calls, launches apps, mutes mic etc. sigh

Another thing I noticed - android apps (browsers - Opera, Vivaldi) tend to freeze-and-restart (mostly in private mode, in normal mode they work almost stable).

Can someone tell me what should I do to update my X10? I’m still on 4.2 and phone is showing “no updates available” every time I check it.

If it is not licensed, buy a license or update manually. If it is licensed, contact support.

Does anyone same issue like me for few versions till now?

so unlicensed Sailfish OS doesn’t have automatic updates?


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First the update through GUI failed, so I finished the upgrade through sfos-upgrade. Now all works fine but much more of root partition is taken up.
After installing back some of the apps I had I have just 120MB free, and I get low space warning. Is it possible some files were not deleted after the installation? Like I don’t remember /odm/ being there before.
I will try extending the root partition on my X10, but first I want to fix if anything is wrong.

After update i had problem with internet in some sailfish apps like sfos-forum-viewer. I fixed it by disabling sandboxing in .desktop file. However this doesnt work for browser. Any clue?

Could you elaborate a bit. Are you using mobile data or wlan? Are you using proxy? Are domain names (dns) resolved properly for example does ping work as root (use terminal)?