[Release notes] Vanha Rauma

Use built in file manager can install rpm
can do it by pkcon install sailfish-manager. Then there is a new icon there

‘pkcon install sailfish-manager’ reports package not found.

[Unsolved] Xperia X upgrade to

If I try to upgrade via System settings I’ll get the message that the „system cannot check the size oft he upgrade“. The message gets even worse if I try the following in the terminal:

  1. devel-su
  2. ssu release
  3. version –dup
    „This request will break your device. Upgrade not complete.“

There is also OLF’s sfos-upgrade which throws similar messages. Any help appreciated!

You could try running sfos-upgrade to “samegrade” and check that the current installation is complete.

Does any command list incompatible packages?

Thanks for your advice. Everything is fine. The only message I got while sfos-upgrade is „-Stopping osupdate-check.timer“ and „NO UPDATES FOUND. Try again later.“ No incompatible items.

Thanks, I’ve got it. Added an EDIT to my comment.

I’m a little confused now… What is ‘Stock filebrowser’ and what is 'Filebrowser by @ichthyosaurus '? Isn’t that the same?
I always thought that File browser is @ichthyosaurus 's contribution to SFOS and there is no other Filebrowser existing.
Now I have deinstalled @ichthyosaurus 's filebrowser and will reinstall it if better times will come.
For the mean time, is there another ‘Stock filebrowser’ anywhere?

The stock “file browser” is the Settings > Transfers/Downloads view (idk my locale is Finnish).


Aha, found it… (i’m on a German system), here it’s called (in settings): ‘Übertragungen’, and it’s a list of the previous downloads. And this seems to work fine on the new system, all previous downloads are correctly listed there.

I don’t think they’re the same.


Oh. Oh! That’s very well hidden…!

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Transfers should rather be called Downloads, IMHO, but cannot help. It is not the file manager. However, in Settings > Transfers one can easily install a downloaded rpm simply by tapping it.

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pkcon install sailfish-filemanager

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Thank you @ichthyosaurus for the quick fix!

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In case of harbour-file-browser from @ichthyosaurus one kann add the following lines


to usr/share/applications/harbour-file-browser.desktop as discribed here for Storeman.

It makes the “hidden” files and folders seeable.


Yes, this Settings - Storage - pulldown Filemanager works fine and shows all files. I didn’t know that this is also named ‘File manager’, not even that it’s there… :wink: , sorry.
As said, this works.

I was talking before, of @ichthyosaurus 's File browser, that’s no more working.

I installed ‘Sailfish-filemanager’ now and the installation worked.
But it’s the same bug as with @ichthyosaurus 's File browser: Exactly the same, existing, dir’s and file are not shown!

Hi. Upgrade failed for me on Xperia 10 II. I then finish it by usual ssu release && version --dup. But now, call UI is not working! In journal I found out:

Xperia invoker[19796]: /usr/bin/voicecall-ui: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Telephony/libsailfishtelephonyplugin.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4i18n12phonenumbers11PhoneNumberC1EPN6google8protobuf5ArenaE

It is issue with my installation, or with release in general? All packages are up-to-date.

edit: when I start voicecall-ui from terminal, I get:

/usr/bin/voicecall-ui: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Telephony/libsailfishtelephonyplugin.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4i18n12phonenumbers11PhoneNumberC1EPN6google8protobuf5ArenaE

edit3: that symbol exists in /usr/lib64/libphonenumber.so.8.12, but I am not sure why it is failing?

edit4: force reinstalling related packages solves the issue. WTF…

zypper --plus-content debug install -f \
  libphonenumber libphonenumber-geocoding \
  sailfish-components-telephony-qt5  voicecall-ui-jolla

Let me write an appreciation post for Sailjail: despite all the momentary issues now that the Big Switch is happening, sandboxing is a huge step forward in terms of security and I am glad that it was introduced.

Thanks Jolla!


Transfers show the outgoing items also, for example shared items via bluetooth. Therefore, ‘transfers’ does seem like the correct name.

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