As for the breaking the touch coordinates in the new SDL2 version this update, I suppose I’m a bit responsible for that as I got annoyed with continuously fixing the touch input coordinates while trying to port some applications to SailfishOS and therefore made a pull request to the upstream SDL2. (About the applications, I hope to release them later when they’re in a more usable state).
As for now, if you’re developing with SDL for SailfishOS, you should probably handle your input somewhat like this at the moment:
SDL_version version;
int touch_x, touch_y;
if (SDL_VERSIONNUM(version.major, version.minor, version.patch) >= SDL_VERSIONNUM(2, 0, 16)) {
touch_x = event.tfinger.x * window_width;
touch_y = event.tfinger.y * window_height;
} else {
touch_x = event.tfinger.x;
touch_y = event.tfinger.y;
Eventually, you should be able to drop this workaround when the minimum OS version you want to support is 4.3