Using the %dist macro in the Release tag for rpm.spec files might solve some confusion. For example, current packages would have an 1.sfos4.3 Release tag, while these packages would have an 1.sfos3.2 Release tag. The updater could filter those packages out and not show old 1.sfosx.x packages and delete those silently.
Store packages could be built with 1.harbour4.3, while openrepos could have a 1.repos4.3 suffix. This would make it easier to do maintenance on older packages (deleting) or inform people that certain packages seem to go unmaintained.
I am slightly surprised this isn’t part of rpmbuild in SFOS, but I assume nobody saw the merits in this rpm versioning.
Edit: should I make some sort of proposal for this, like in a new topic, or in the meeting?