[Release notes] Struven ketju

Like @tobset already wrote, this is VoLTE related. When calling via <4G, the operator sends the call audio ringtone. LTE is a pure data service; while establishing a voice audio call over LTE the phone has to generate call audio ringtones on its own. This has either not been implemented yet for SFOS or rild signaling does not work properly here. I suspect the former.


Yes, same bug for me on a X10ii but i recover the Bt after a reboot.

haven’t had any browser crashes, and element now works fine (even gets notifications now!). thank you.


The upgrade gave no problems it wieks perfect on 10!!!

Well, here in Finland / Elisa network I do have call ringback tone while making VoLTE call (Xperia 10 III).
IMS core is able to “produce/play” ringback tone(s) for the subscriber’s terminal if the core has needed components in place.

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Device: XA2-Plus
Can now no longer start Bluetooth at all - neither with a restart, nor in the configuration menu.

Xperia 10ii here. Patches all away and update went through flawlessly.
I do feel Stuff bit snappier and video playback* now worx again. :ok_hand:

    • LLs vPlayer

WLAN hotspot sharing doesn’t work if your mobile phone company gives your phone an IPv6 address only (No IPv4).

I think SailfishOS has a fix for that, I was hoping the fix would be included in this release.

This has been reported several times before. Yes, it’s rather annoying that this reproducible issue has not yet been fixed.

One rather reliable workaround is to open Settings - Utilitities - Restart Bluetooth subsystem.
Sometimes you need to restart Bt twice, but this has always worked for me.


Indeed - thanks for the tip.

Now if only that worked on thinkpads with linux after using suspend :slight_smile:

Well on my HP Zbook (with Ubuntu) my screens at the docking stations get lost after each un-plug or suspend, so that I have to swap DP cables.
As I unplug / suspend the notebook much more often than rebooting the phone I prefer Sailfish with its Bt issues. :wink:

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CLAT was released in, and with that WiFi tethering has been working for lots of people on IPv6-only mobile networks since then. Have you been trying any of the test versions from that thread?

Maybe the person you’re calling is not on VoLTE. In such case you can hear the tone. It isn’t heard if both parties are on VoLTE.

Q: What did @Jolla do to fix the browser crashes? What was the reason for these crashes? Does anybody know?

Both phones (on my table) are using VoLTE and both phones use Elisa FI network.

What a nice surprise! I did not expect a mid-summer release. Update went fine on both JollaC and Xperia X.


“Fix Browser crash when using media codecs (video or audio)”

I guess you are connecting this announcement to the OOM closings of the browser. I think this is a different problem only related to media codecs.


No issues updating Xperia X and XA2 dual-SIM.

Browser on Xperia X no longer crashes in video conferences; on Xperia XA2 it still can’t use the camera.

Thank you Jolla and community for your efforts and for getting a release out in the middle of summer vacations!