@jovirkku, you might want to rectify the broken link in the section “Important notices” with the text “the upgrade of Android AppSupport” to https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/release-notes-struven-ketju-4-5-0-18/14656#android-appsupport-is-upgraded-to-android-11-14 (from the broken https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/release-notes-struven-ketju-4-5-0-18/14656#android-appsupport-is-upgraded-to-android-11-47, note the incorrect final two digits), because it really is important that this link works.
Additionally you may rectify the incorrect plural “Important notices” to singular “Important notice”, because only a single notice follows and people might wonder if there are missing notices.
Thank you!