[Release notes] Sauna

I can relate to that. Although for me it is not thst bad anymore: Internet access for Android is still gone when moving (but not THAT often as before), and it is almost guaranteed that simply switching mobile-data off and on again will help. This wasn’t the case with the previous version, where I experienced all kinds off ‘levels’ for a workaround (above mentioned mobile-data switch, flight-mode on and off, restart of Aliendalvik, restart of phone and in extreme cases even switching mobile-data off an on again right after reboot… ).
So, the tedious recovery is gone, the annoying loss of service remains.
Is that progress? Yeah, I’d think so. Less than I hoped for, but its better now.
So thanks Jollyboys, but please: keep this under review! :wink:

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Does the change in partition layout also happen by updating or only in case of a new flashing process?

switching mobile on/off does not generally help me (android stays not connected, while sfos stays connected)
(restarting aliendalvik fixes it every time)

Lucky, my Xperia 10 III update from to faild. After reboot, it said “update failed” and started with 4.6.13. updating at the command line failed too. “DBus call faild …”

I just clicked Settings/OS Update/Download, and it has started downloading, showing message ‘Downloading update…’ under Sauna picture, but it has stucked quickly, the light on the picture moved only a few pixels to the right.
I restarted it a couple of times, but it always ends like this.
I have 904 MB of free space on /dev/sailfish/root.
I have XA2 Dual and current runs good.
How to proceed?
Thanks for help.

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Maybe be more patient?
It sometimes takes sone time.
Good luck.

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You know, i sometimes think that jolla’s servers must be on a 4g connected raspberry pi, as i always have the same problem…


I have the same problem on my XA2 right now.


I keep getting this message “Sailfish OS could not be updated. Please try again later” when I update from the Sailfish OS Updates option in “Settings”. I get the same screen as vlagged posted in post No. 9.

I removed File Manager and all the other file manager apps as well as removing Storeman and Chum.

I have tried updating form the Command Line using the SFOS-Upgrade utility from Olf, and keep getting this error .

  Waiting 3 seconds before retry.
  Refreshing: 17%
  Error: Download (curl) error for https://sailfish.openrepos.net/Carolus/personal/main/repodata/repomd.xml':
  Error code: Curl error 60
  Error message: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired.

I had one app from Carolus’s repo - Podcatcher, which I removed and did a restart before trying again from the Command Line. I still get the same error message.

Where to from here?

There’s your answer. Until certificate refresh you can only wait.

Hi @AlanBreen ,
You should, perhaps most of the time unnecessarily, remove all extra repos (openrepos etc.) you have added prior to performing an update. So you don’t need to wait for Openrepos to renew there certificate, you should just disable all Openrepo repositories for the duration of the update. You can reenable those you need afterwards.
From Sailfish Cheat Sheet :

devel-su ssu dr repository-name

If you still had storeman installed, you can easily select disable all from the menu, but since you got rid of it, probably easiest just to disable all those listed here as ‘Enabled Repositories (user)’:

devel-su ssu lr

For the future, I think it is unnecessary to remove storeman and chum etc, though others might know better, but I would highly recommend disabling all extra repositories. Failing to do this has caused me hours and hours of grief on one occasion.
Once you have dissabled the extra repositories, your upgrade should proceed with Olfs utility.
Hope this helps.


@juz Thank you.

I re-installed Storeman and disabled all repositories. Then ran “sfos-upgrade” from Terminal.

The update worked. I’m guessing it would have also worked from the Sailfish OS Updates option in Settings.

Ths problem seems to be with the SSL certificate for Storeman and not the individual repositories. I keep getting a Network Errror when trying to go online with Storeman.


I was so excited to see an IPv6 address on mobile data :cry:

I had the same issue. I got it resolved by re-installing the fastboot drivers (chapter 3 in the guide) while it was waiting for the device.

Jolla’s server issues seem to have subsided, I was able to download the update now. To circumvent issues with the expired TLS certificate of OpenRepos/Storeman during the update process, I’ve simply set the date of the phone manually to something like “September 17”, without deactivating any repos. That did the trick, the update went through flawlessly.

Update: OpenRepos’ website got a new TLS certificate and works as intended again, the aforementioned workaround is no longer necessary.

After many many hours it finely downloaded. Now it shows following message with a lot of conflicts.
Please, how to proceed? Thanks