[Release notes] Sauna

Sonic Stage, anyone? :grimacing:

Me too, on a Xa2 dual (H4113). After upgrade is stuck on Sony’s logo. Flashing from scratch also leads to Sony’s logo. Flashing 4.4 works, upgrade to 4.5 works, upgrade to 4.6 no. Perhaps an encryption issue?

I’ve tried recovery->check filesystem and flashing after revert to Android with Emma. With 4.6 it’s not working.


I already use the beta on my Xperia 10 V. To be honest: I’d love to have Sfos 5.0 as soon as possible as licensed version (including Android App support) even if that one comes without camera support. Camera is secondary for me. The system itself already is my daily driver in its current beta, but I still need my old (mobile network broken) 10 II for my needed android apps. I use the 10V as hotspot for network access.
If I had Android support I would only need one device to carry around…


Has anyone heard something about when a licensed version for Xperia 10 V is coming? I really like to get sailfish, but with the beta I had no chance to install android applications. And for me this is necessary :slight_smile:

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Nobody in the community and probably Jolla also as they wait for Sony blob.

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I’m not so worried about Android apps, I haven’t really missed any, and most of the time (eg. Banking apps, Youtube, etc) you can just use the website.

That said, there’s been a few times I’ve wanted to use the camera and haven’t been able to. Hoping Sony pull their fingers out soon. In the meantime I’ll have to just stick a cheap point & shoot in the glove box.

I’ll just piggyback off this to ask a question, however, as its been a long time since I’ve used SFOS: Is there any way to set an upper limit on battery charging? My phone has never spent so much time above 80%, and just charging it in the morning is not an option as it charges so slowly on SFOS. I need to work out how to limit it to 80% overnight…

Under Settings -> Battery -> Charging mode (the last option, don’t know the exact option names in English or other languages) and change that so you can set the upper limit for the phone to stop charging.

Thanks, but for some reason that option is missing on the 10 IV. Is this a bug, or intentional? Is there a workaround?

I’ll also note I tried to use BatteryBuddy, and woke up to a phone that hadn’t charged at all, which was not ideal.

I actually had a look at this w.r.t. Battery Buddy as soon as I had flashed my X10V, and I couldn’t suitable files to control the charging. It looks like controlling the charger operation just isn’t currently exposed to userspace - that seems to be the reason why it’s missing from Settings as well. That’s all I could figure out from “outside” anyway.


I understand that Sony is making things complicated by the delay of sending the blobs. But could you please compile a version for the DC72? it’s the same as the DC54 but with dual-sim. This will add more beta testers, and it will not cost you anything (just the disk space for the image). As we are many who bought the DC72 last August thinking that we could use them with SailfishOS, and they are still turned off in the drawers … Using them with bugs is better than not using them at all.
Thank you very much for understanding.


So how many are you? You seem to know!


What is the DC72 and DC54?

DC72 is the Asian version of X10V, with two more GB of RAM, and probably some other differences that might or might not interfere on the SFOS image.


i just could flash the dc54 image to the dc72 and it’s working fine so far. i just had to remove a check in the flash script.


Can you specify, please?


i don’t remember, unfortunately i deleted the files. it somehow checks what device is attached and if it matches a criterion. i think it was an if clause which i just deleted


Thank you very much @smatkovi could you please tell me how to do that? it’ll be a great step for me.

No worries, I found in flash-config.sh :
I will try to flash that and :crossed_fingers:

I found the text “xq-dc54” several times in the binary image file sailfish.img001
Does anyone know if it’s safe to flash it anyway or there is a risk to break something?