Feedback on Xperia 10 V

I will keep fingers crossed that we can run this device with Sailfish in full effect.
From Hardware perspective it is such a nice device. Sailfish OS can really shine on this device if fully functional.
I did not choose the C2, because I did not buy a non-OLED phone since the Nokia N9, only exception was the BlackBerry Passport.
But for me: no OLED, no buy.
Being blocked from the (Australian) network renders this lovely device useless. But should it be blocked? Who has a benefit out of it?
EDIT - saw in AU thread about current and upcoming changes in AU network. Weird

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It’s too late for me to keep thinking about this, and it might all be for nothing too - if the device gets blocked.
But here are the AUNZ modem files - proper mcfg-sw.mbn for Australia - Vodafone, Optus and Telstra. These are off the 10IV. I don’t know if they are close enough to put on the 10V, but I was going to try if I could work it out.
Anyone know?

I will not ask for release dates, I’m a software developer myself and hate date related questions, but could you give some feedback on your progress on a usable version for the 10 V? Especially battery handling, camera and android app support would be necessary for me to let it replace my 10 II.

It seems with all the discussions about the C2 the state of 10 IV and V is completely ignored.

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I think Jolla will be fully occupied on sorting out all the problems with the C2 phone, especially for all those that have non-functioning devices which they have paid for. My guess (and it is only that) is that work on the Xperia 10 iv and v will probably be on the back burner for a while as it is currently only the free version.

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Additionally, if I understood correctly everyone is waiting for Sony’s new blobs, on the website there are still the ones from August


Currently it is not in our hands. That said, when we have something to deliver as a software update + instructions, we’ll align these also with Sailfish 5 fixes in general.

I’d be happy if can deliver commercial paid versions of 10 IV and 10 V before end of the year.


Thanks for the update and approximate roadmap what to expect.
I will happily pay for a license to take the V to full potential, looking forward to unlock the potential of this great device


OK, found some time and maximm screen brightness on AOSP appears to be somewhere between Stock Android and SFOS 4.6.15 beta.
SFOS is similar to 85% screen brightness on AOSP (non-scientifically judged by eye).
Stock Android has a much, much higher maximal screen brightness.
Next question from my petspective is, if we can estimate what that means for next Sailfish release and maximal screen brightness.
Having experienced what the hardware of the Xperia 10 V under Stock Android can delver in terms of easily readable screen in any environment, it would be sad, if Sailfish OS would cripple this nice device display directly, or indirectly, via an underlying AOSP.


For that use case light ambiences exist

I know ambiences and create my own ones.
But if you ever used a current smartphone with high end display and if you know how capable these displays are, and in additon, if you saw the X10 V display being near on par with this level on Android 68.1.A.2.244:
then the same device feels like a 2013 phone or in analogy:
like using multi- core CPUs with only a single core limited to 126 MHz,
or like driving a 500 PS car in a race, but the engine artificially limited to use only 25 PS.
Not my definition of fun
and not the use case of ambiences for me.
If the device is hardware limited (like brightness on X10 iii), them it is different story.
As said, in terms of maximal screen brightness:
with Stock Android my X10 V is on par with Galaxy S22 Ultra, X10 iii is way below (hardware related).
With Sailfish 4.6.15 beta (and AOSP) the maximum screen brightness of my X10 V is never ever in Galaxy areas, even dimmer than X10 iii.
So it is not hardware dependent, and the X10 V is more or less useless in my use case with the current settings in SFOS.
Ambiences do NOT change this, by no means, unfortunatly.
What is the difference in maximum screen brightness levels between Stock Android and Sailfish OS?
Are there some settings we might tweak? Something with devel-su?
I am not competent enough, where to look
The hardware is capable, the potential is there, how to unlock?


I decided to switch to Xperia 10 V with SFOS as my main device.

Unfortunately I quickly found out that mobile data connection is extremely unstable and drops constantly. Once dropped, network needs to be restarted to get it back. The device is therefore hardly usable with mobile data connection.

Previously I had only used WLAN connection in the device and there were no such problems with it.

I too had this problem (10V) with the default sim APN settings. The networks website had different settings, changing these settings meant my mobile data is now rock solid. Only occasionally being problematic when I leave a Wifi connection. Worth checking perhaps?

Thanks. I checked them and I am pretty sure they are as valid as they can be. I also tried to change the APN protocol to only IP(v4). Did not help.

I found my V discharged. When I press on the power button, the charging symbol appears. I put it to charge and it still displayed 1% charge after 3 hours. Impossible to turn it on with the power button. I long pressed the volume + key and the power button and it turned on with 95% charge

This is a known bug. We must wait for the officisl and first “final” release for the 10IV/V


The phone should boot up fine after charging when the charger is disconnected and the phone powers itself off after a few moments. The shutdown could still take a few minutes as well though, but after that it should boot up normally.

Hello, there is something that catches my attention in the photo you posted. What does the Google “G” icon do on your Xperia 10 V? Android is not supposed to work

Email account.

(grr forum update already?)

It’s a notification from my googleaccount about a new mail

Too bad,
I would have thought that you had managed to make waydroid work with Google services.
Wow! I made a movie