[Release notes] Sauna

Any plans to get 4.6 targets in the SDK?

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Thanks! That’s a great tip.


No issues upgrading for Gemini PDA.


Thank you for the detailed explanation, @dcaliste!

That gives me a starting point to see if I have failed to do part of the setup.

Adding people to an appointment is only possible in caldav synced calendars and Jolla Calendar asks for email privilege, which made me think sending might happen locally on the phone.

Hmm. I never gave any thought to how these things actually work and I see this might be more complicated than I realized. (Even counting some things missing an implementation.)

I had several problems with the installation of as well. As I needed to reflash (due to the “No Apps running” issue), I now did the update several times.
My major problem still is, that my Mail-Accounts always loose all there configuration on update* and I can’t get it back from backup. Even if I enter the account information manually, the mail doesn’t work. The only accounts that got correctly restored from backup are Nextcloud and MS Exchange.
Any idea where to look to solve that problem?

*) Looks like this:

Lidl+ Android app failed to work. After 4.6 update it opens up ok but then immediately vanishes. Not the funnest thing with a shopping basket full of bargains.


On the Xperia 10 II, my battery seems to go down MUCH quicker than usual, and looking at system monitor confirms this. As soon as you take it off the charger, it just crashes down. For comparison, in the first half of the graph, the days before the update, I actually used the phone quite a lot, whereas since installing the update I’ve only spent maybe 2-3 hours with the screen on in total. Suspiciously, the CPU doesn’t seem to go to sleep anymore, and when I look at Crest, all of the active Android applications are taking up lots and lots of CPU. Before the update, only the Android application that you were looking at used up lots of CPU.

Can anyone else confirm this behaviour on the Xperia 10 II or other devices?

Edit: fixed by rebooting!

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This has sadly been a bug for many years. Restoring accounts from a backup simply does not work, you’ll have to delete and readd all of them.


Wait, what? You mean all my backups the last years have just been a waste of bandwith and storage? Didn’t know that. But thx for the answer, will reconfigure all the mail accounts -sigh-. I just realised, that Nextcloud is not fully functional after restoring. The calendar sync worked fine, but contacts doesn’t seem so.

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Installed ok on my 10ii. Using it as my main phone and no problems so far

I don’t think this is 100% reproducible, managed to get my backup from jollaC to XIII (with a symlink /home/nemo to defaultuser for one part, don’t remember which) two years ago fine and on monday my XIII backup from 4.5 onto 4.6, no problem with email accounts, just needed reentering password, one was from cloud, the other sdcard, works for me I guess

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No, the backups in general are fine (if you aren’t moving from an older ‘nemo’ user to a newer ‘defaultuser’ user, because that doesn’t work at all), just the accounts are either not saved or not restored correctly.


I think the /home/nemo thing actually impacted notes failing to import, but it was 2 years ago so not 100% sure, again, for me everything like contacts, messages, accounts are still here on XIII after two restores from backups (not sure about jolla 1 to C switch) so maybe in your case it is failing reliably, have you shared logs with jolla? (Maybe some strange unicode issue in contacts is causing this reliably for you, would help nail the issue down, edit: then again weird unicode symbols in accounts are unlikely), for me it worked fine except that symlink part, still got messages/contacts from 8 years ago

on a side note, i’m still mad about defaultuser, and i still patch the flashable images to use nemo instead before i flash them. (this has worked for all releases since they first changed it). nothing i’ve ever used on sfos has not worked due to defaultuser (although i dont use jolla’s backup app), and that makes sense since multi-user support has more or less always worked.

EDIT: four characters! unambiguous! thematic! not trademarked!


How many other fish you know by name?

I think nemo was a captain not a fish


If you’re a cultured person, sure, but me, I know Caliban from the X-Men only.

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The famous Indian submariner :grin:


Ever since I learned it is Latin for no-one, I started using it on all my devices (routers etc). I think it was very cool and I don’t understand, now that I know the meaning, who would ever want to change that. And yes, some book and movie authors thought the same, Captain Defaultuser / Finding Defaultuser come to mind.


Captain Nemo appeared in Jules Verne’s ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Seas’. Nemo means ‘Nobody’.

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