[Release notes] Sauna

I think it’s not mentioned in the first book, but I’m pretty sure one of the sequels reveals his nationality as Indian. :slightly_smiling_face:

The calendar became really useful - I like it! @dcaliste


Defaultuser my name forevermore


‘Captain Defaultuser’ doesn’t have quite the same sense of mystery associated with it …


4.6 Upgrade Experiences

Both my XA2 Plus and Xperia 10 iii upgraded to 4.6 smoothly and without any problems, but:

  • I had to uninstall OSM Scout Server and Microtube before the upgrade and (as has been mentioned elsewhere) neither of these apps can now be re-installed. This means I can no longer use offline maps in Pure Maps, which is a shame.

  • 4.6 was supposed to have a fix to make AppSupport start at bootup if the option had been selected in Settings, but in my case this still doesn’t work. AppSupport still only starts when you run the first Android app.

  • Closing Android apps now appears to work differently. If you swipe down from the top to close then everything is closed including any background processes. So, closing WhatsApp (for example) in this manner means that you will get no notifications of incoming messages or calls. Closing the app using the back arrow at the bottom of the screen closes (minimises?) the app but leaves any background processes running. I don’t know if this behaviour change is intentional?

  • Mobile connectivity for Android apps seems to have been improved. I’ve been running 4.6 on both phones for a few days now and there have so far been none of the problems of losing connectivity when moving from WiFi to mobile data and vice versa.

  • 4.6. brought in 5G for Xperia 10 iii and newer. I’m in the UK on EE and have a 5G capable SIM card. However, selecting ‘Prefer 5G’ in settings still only gives me 4G. If you take the SIM out of the Xperia 10 iii and put it in an iPhone then you get 5G without any problem - so I don’t know if I need to do anything further to get 5G working (e.g. some other configuration required), or if its a bug, or if my Xperia 10 iii (model xqbt52) just doesn’t have the right 5G bands or whatever for EE in the UK?

  • I still get frequent browser crashes on the Xperia 10 iii, presumably due to OOM, but not on the XA2 Plus, so presumably 4.6 didn’t manage to fix that problem.

  • The weather (meecast) was removed from Events view (@Jolla, Why?) but I have got it back again by following the advice on this forum (thanks @pvuorela and @MartiMasaKoegx)

  • The full screen WhatsApp incoming call dialog works really well (so long as you still have the background process running for Whatapp!), a useful feature.

  • The ‘Combined Launcher Patch’ no longer works on the XA2 (I used this to shrink the size of the icons) and in settings the Patch Manager menu entry has lost its little icon

Other than the above, both the XA2 and the 10 iii seem to work as before.


Yes, this is basically because OSM Scout Server has to be rebuilt in 4.6, but the SDK is not out yet. I assume that this will happen eventually for the official Store and Chum, in which case you should be able to reinstall and regain access to your offline maps.

What patch is working? None of patches in web catalog I tried works on my 10 III.

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I only had two patches - combined launcher patch (which doesn’t work on 4.6) and the ICE patch (which does work on 4.6). Can’t say about any other patches.

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I’ll update launcher combined patch this weekend


Damn you guys, now I cannot unknow, nor undevelop a negative emotion towards defaultuser, too! Indeed "nemo for lyfe" was the move all along, and they wrecked it.


in settings>apps>whatsapp> allow background services you can activate the notifications in the background

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Indeed, and that is selected on all my Android messaging apps. But that doesn’t do any good if swiping down on an Android app to close it also kills all its background services as well - which seems to be the new behaviour. This is easily checkable using an app such as Crest to see what processes are running, and then which get terminated when you swipe down to close.


Oh, I understood that Launcher Combined was working with 10 III, but not with XA2. :sweat_smile: Silly me :slightly_smiling_face:

Only until he first ln -s’d his way out of the mysterious depths of the deep seas of backup.

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Launcher combined patch is already available in Web Catalog


My upgrade experience on Xperia 10 III:

  • OTA from Settings went without any troubles, I didn’t have to use any forced reboot later nor nothing
  • Patchmanager indeed lost its icon and in my case Configurable Height Patch stopped working
  • 5G works with Poland operator Play, but I don’t use it anyway
  • I noticed some AlienDalvik bugs? Or features? Clicking back button in Android app “home” “closes” the app, but it’s just hiding it, it remains in background. Also native Sailfish keyboard seems to behave worse now? It now shrinks the screen to space above keyboard, what works badly with some websites, I think it worked better on 4.5
  • I also tested Telegram calls, when someone calls me I get call screen for second, then it disappears. Not usable

Updating xperia10iii went fine. One thing i noticed and was not reported here yet is the smaller image size on Whatsapp video call. It is about 2/3 of the screen, like zoomed out and centered on the screen. Useable but strange. I did not test other messengers.
Audio routing in android still having same issues: need to plug headset and then unplug to get speaker activated.

Upgrading Sony Xperia XA2 worked fine (Since Android layer hadn’t been supported anymore, a huge load of possible problems are not possible).

What do you mean by this?

Smart phone is too old so support latest Android apps.

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