Re-organisation of Jolla company - Off-topic discussion

Everything in ASOP is open-source and can be inspected.
Your personal limited ability is not part of the question.

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Everything in ASOP is open-source and can be inspected.

From the view of an software engineer, maybe yes. But not in the daily usage of an user, who can modify things on the fly and don’t need to do hours of low-level-compiling stuff. And that is what counts for me.


Which is the IMPORTANT part, for security and privacy.

If daily users would be allowed to put their hands in the source code, nothing even would work.

Which things? System configuration? The /e/OS has some problems, that “annoying” me:

  1. the color of the battery icon in the bar is not informative enough
  2. the DNS accept a single IPv4 when I wish to have 2 + 2 or even 4 + 4
  3. sometimes the phone - probably after “do not disturb” - enter in vibration only mode
  4. activating the bluetooth icon have no way that I found to bring me to BT menu
  5. managing more than one VPN or TOR app at time is complicated
  6. I have not a date in the top bar nor lateral screen nor in weather gadget

In particular about the #6, I did not even check if I can replace the standard weather gadget or reconfigure it to have a date. Consider this, about how really these defects are “annoying” me!

What do I have in exchange?

Every tracker that attempts to “call home” is blocked and its attempt is shown in graph in the side screen. Moreover, I can have a preventive or running log about tracking activity / attempts, etc. etc.

The day, /e/OS will adopt an architectural approach like running AOSP in a container by a supervising OS like proposed in RedFish OS, that day, I will have the same report for all the activities.

Like Apple fan, you are a fan of the SFOS UI.

If people in this forum would be smart a little enough to put their money in a developing project then you would have found someone - even a talented 15yo geek - that it would create a UI like SFOS for AOSP which can be applied also for /e/OS.

if people in this forum would be smart enough to follow their own self-interest, after the UI, they also would have obtained a fully-feature recovery boot-able image, and more.

Sorry, I wish not waste my time further, hence I am closing again with a more extended good luck.

Be happy with SFOS and just try to not cover yourself of ridiculous more than you have done up of this point in defending your choice. You have the full right to make your choice, whatever it is and do not even try to explain it because - believe me - it cannot be found any explanation in the rational realm.

rational realm

Personal choice isn´t about rationalism only you know.
It works out best for me so i see no problem here.

You seem to be a talented software engineer, so i’m asking why you are complaining about things you can´t change. Don’t worry about this, go for your solution and attract it to users when its ready to release. Life it too short to waste time in worry.


Probably English is not your primary language for you like me and you may have missed what - with humor - annoying me (irrelevant details). Despite they are irrelevant details (apart having a single DNS which can be a critical failure point but 99.9% safe at the current state of DNS up-time), I can notice them.

Talented, always. Software engineer, sometimes but rarely. Because software and engineering are not the only fields in which I am talented. Among the talents, not event the most brilliant nor interesting nor the more valuable. Moreover, among geeks there are too much nerds in the IT field - and unfortunately - half of them are also jerks.

If you look at my LinkedIn profile (find by yourself, it is easy) and you think that I am a software engineer, then you have future career in HR because only those people can be so narrow-minded to see that role in it! :rofl:

No, I have not. Simply, my job is done here.

Let me fix that for you.


This is your big chance, go and ask if they want to hire an experienced Machiavelli quoter as a developer.


It’s really funny when some people “think” they understand business and build scenarios with assumptions on top of assumptions.

Anyway, wish you all the best and I hope you find a job.


He can’t.

(20 characters)

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Yes actually, drunken dyslexic babbling around a topic has never made me happier. :joy:

You have made it quite obvious why you can’t keep anything together.

Now you can say your work is done here.


Your point about the new name and russian sensitivities might actually be right - and if it’s only to annoy them. It must be such a relief to be rid of them.


This proves my point.

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Please, go to win your arguments with RosTelecom dudes.

There is a good chance, you will not read my post anymore.

Even if, I will still be here writing… :hugs:

So… You’re losing your nerve and start threatening.

Pathetic little man.

How does it feel to fail so bad? Crumbling bit by bit. In a world where nobody - literally nobody loves you.

Go back and cry to your cheap bottle and pretend it’s listening. In the end, you can’t even afford it.

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I ask here as well, to the wisdom of great @robang74, who knows the insides and outsides of the business process. How did the russians got their money for the Jolla shares?

I do not care and they neighter, I presume. Otherwise they would have said.

My first message to them was divided in three parts:

  1. who I am
  2. what I am doing
  3. it is just me, nobody else

Because, I never engage someone else business without this kind of presentation.

Moreover, nowhere was set a price or even the word money in any of its forms.

The second message sent

  1. what I have achieved and what it can do
  2. how/where/when conditions for a meeting in real-life
  3. whom to forward the two messages

Now, you can make your educated guess about what my communication style means.

After all, the most common trend in this forum is about guessing and making noise.

Finally, make your educated guess at which age is a common way of behaving like that.

So you know shit, just like you said in the sentence " After all, the most common trend in this forum is about guessing and making noise." How could the russian say something if the western filters everything what they say? Think about it!

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Here you are again

Do your guess

No no…do your guess!