Re-organisation of Jolla company

Oh, what a pity you have to leave :wink:

Go Jolla, fair winds and following seas!


I’ll just leave this here:


This is empty now, but it will be interesting which components will appear at:


“Teknologiayhtiö Jollan entinen johto ostaa Jolla Oy:n liiketoiminnan”:


“We decided to concentrate our automotive expertise in-house to serve our major customers in the industry as efficiently as possible.”

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Re-organisation of Jolla company - Off-topic discussion

I am so happy. This is good news before Christmas. I wish the Jollyboys and us good luck on the journey and always a hand’s breadth of water under the keel.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Re-organisation of Jolla company - Off-topic discussion

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Good news. Let’s hope Jollyboys starts operations soon.

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Excellent news! A big thank you to everyone involved for not losing faith and stirring this ship through hell and high water!
May our collective sigh of relief be the gust that propels Sailfish OS into a bright future :face_exhaling::sailboat::sunny:


Cool, the new company which seems to be about to replace “Jolla Oy” (still exists; link by mips_tux) is registered as “Jollyboys Oy” (link by attah). :smiley:

Google translated web-pages of (link by ExTechOp) and (link by pasik).

What does not become clear in all these articles, unfortunately, is which company holds the rights for AlienDalvik aka AAS (Android App Support). I would assume Seafarix Oy (link by attah), but that is not stated clearly anywhere, only hinted via “We have the ability to offer cutting-edge unique Android Framework integration solutions on top of Linux Platforms” on their webpage. Well, as Seafarix Oy shares the same address with Jollyboys Oy, one may grant the other a resellable licence for little.


And by the way, in one of the articles there’s a photo of Antti Saarnio holding on a phone that surely is a sailfish device :stuck_out_tongue:


A big thank you to everyone involved for not losing faith and stirring this ship through hell and high water!

Are you kidding?
I’m a bulletproof AmigaOS4 waiter and User…“when its done” meets “two more weeks”, if you know, you know :wink:


Thanks for the great news. Is this the early christmas present we’ve all been waiting for?

I’d like to ask for help understanding this sentence:

What exactly does this mean? The same people that ran Jolla as “Osakeyhtiö” (Limited company?) have now bought it, turning it into a private company?
(I am business language illiterate)

I guess some changes are ahead that affect us as well, but if they are the same people that ran it most of the time it can’t be bad, right?

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Congratulations to Jolla - I’m delighted they have succeeded in continueing a viable business.

I do have a question about that viability though:

It is often claimed that Jolla was a car-software company with a mobile-os giftshop attached (amazon joke), if that is true what is the business model for this new mobile-os focused company?

I figure it goes somewhat like this: Both the old and new owner companies are "osakeyhtiö"s (~limited company). Their ownerships differ, but not completely. Possibly some new owners in the new company, definitely some owners of the old company not in the new company. The new company acquires ~everything from the old company, by paying the old company enough for it to cover its debts (and the old company might be dissolved afterwards). Should there have been a successful negotiation result, the corresponding could have been achieved with the previous owners selling their shares to new ones, with no inter-company migrations. However, as there was not, this process was mandated by the debt restructuring.

The question is, which of the two new companies owns the rights for Android App Support. Might be that they belong to the mobile OS company who licenses it to the car-software company. That way the car business could finance the mobile OS business although they are run by two different companies.


Also tangential to that: if the new Jollyboys sells and licenses AppSupport separately (to Seafarix) would they also find a way to license/sell it to community porters / community port users.

(Of course, this would not be the top priority for Jollyboys, given the small income and huge hassle that this would incure, but would be cool if there was a way to get more broad access to that compatibility layer until Waydroid’s limitations are ironned out).


That would be great if community ports could have AppSupport.

On a personal note, their new name “Jolliboys” is a very poor choice. It’s similar enough to Jollibee to make me hungry every time I read through this thread :laughing:


Yes, Jolla AAS on ports would be very fine and also would generate income for the Jollyboys. Also Jolla AAS for Linux desktop/laptop would be fine to have.

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