Questions about the Jolla C2 Community Phone

Id never mention official support,but still ready to pay the subsciption/license on “unsupported” phone.


Or configure Amazfit-Script on 3 presses shutdown Smartphone

There are USB-C Fingerprint-Reader addon for Smartphones

What a waste of time, money and resources. :wink:

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Yes, agree. A second, different PIN code to immediately factory reset the device and format the SD-card without any question is a required feature for privacy.

e.g. unlock with 12345, immediately factory reset the device & wipe the SD card (multiple overwrite data) without further question with 67890. Device should display something harmless like “welcome, please wait” while erasing.


I agree, that a pin code is most secure. But for peoples who are new to Sailfish OS / Jolla a missing 2nd option may be a no-go (as it is not modern nowadays).

Just my 2 cents.


Imaging my kid trying to sneak into my phone to extend its screentime, putting 12345


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USA is not a metric for me, because i live on the nice Continent Europa.

Two options for unlock its a must,and one very simple small button on the lock screen “disable fingerprint/face unlock” will be so great!

Irony on
Exactly for this it’s meant. Not only in U.S. Who wants photos and data of the kids in the hands of gangsters?
Irony off

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Hello what’s happen after the year of free full license subscription?

You will lose acces to the jolla update repositories. Your phone will continue working as you are used to, but you won’t receive OS updates. Unless you subscribe again.
You will also need to subscribe if you want premium functions after you reflash the device. For using the premium functions, you will need to reactivate it by logging in with your jolla account. That is also true now, but now you can use a one time purchase, that will stay active, while the subscription is only active while it is active.

EDIT: clarification about OS updates


Thank so much you for answer.

How about banking apps on jolla c2 community.

Are they working well?

If someone tests different banking apps on C2, please don’t forget to add your findings to Banking apps on Sailfish OS discussion.