Questions about the Jolla C2 Community Phone

Dear friends,

First of all let me thank all the people involved in Sailfish OS / Community.

Sailfish came to my attention when seeking an alternative to apple / google.

I am very interested (like many of us) in the new Jolla C2 Community Phone, however i have questions about it that i cannot find answered anywhere else.

When buying something, you actually like to see the thing being demonstrated, how it turns on, what is required to to put it working, etc.

Especially as i hate android phones, i would like to know if i can completely remove android support / apps from it (i saw somewhere this is possible in older Sailfish OS versions but not sure on 5.0)

I would like to give this phone as gift to a friend as well, but i have no clue how user friendly it will be.

The person in question will only use it to calls, accessing the web and some other minimal stuff like watching youtube etc.

I find very frustrating that big companies force us to have a virtual assistant on our phones, that we all know that even when it is turned off, will continue collecting our data and listening to our voice.

So, apart from the specs that we can see on the main page, does this phone come with any sort of AI features? I personally dislike AI stuff inside a phone like the assistant etc.

In my country i still have 2G and 4G networks and i normally travel between Portugal and Spain, so i would like to know if this phone will work in these 2 locations well, or if there will be problems.

I also read somewhere that is not necessary to continue the subscription unless we want to update something.

What will happen to the phone if you don’t want to pay after 1 year, will it be blocked or some features will stop working?

Imagine i have all the stuff i like and don’t want to update anything, will it still work?

I would like if you could give me concrete answers about all these questions.

Kind Regards,


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5.0 is not here yet, and nothing about it apart from “coming soon” is known about it.

However, if 5.0 on C2 is anything like past SFOS releases, you can of course uninstall or opt to not install the Android App Support Add-On.

The same goes for any “AI Assistant” application that may be included. Which we don’t know. But it’s likely there will be none of that.

In any case, removal isn’t even necessary, you can just not use such applications.

Why do you think it does? I don’t recall anything like that having been announced. Jolla’s Mind2 AI device is a separate device, that’s the whole point.

I agree, but there is no reason to believe any of these issues will plague the Mind2, C2, or SFOS 5.0.

That is something no third party can answer.
Why not use an existing phone with SFOS on it and let them try it? It’s free after all.

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Thanks for the detailed answers Nephros!

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I was assuming SFOS 5.0 would be more or less like previous versions, just with corrected issues and more stable, but as you point out, if nothing is known about it, what if it differs to the point of the person not liking it?

Trying is a good alternative, i’m just afraid i don’t have any compatible device to try it on.

If the team could make a live stream demonstrating the Jolla C2 features it would be a great thing for buyers / supporters, what do you think?

Thanks in advance!

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Well you need a time traveling device then, or a really damn trustworthy oracle to make sure.

Concerning Portugal, where I live:
I have an Xperia X and my wife an XA2 daily driver, both MEO(MNO)(SFOS 4.5), an XA2 as test device with NOS(MNO).
For MEO, I haven’t seen 3G for some time, while NOS had 3G.
For what ever reasons, on the X (prefere 4G), I have calls that don’t reach me, sometimes I can’t place a call for some moments.
For what ever reasons, on the XA2 (prefere 4G, MEO), there were calls hanging, meaning, switched from 2G to 4G in the call, which looks like loosing audio, but in fact the connection goes down (as seen by the remote part), but on UI the call time continues to count. The workaround is to choose 2G only, which then hits the usual limitations like aparent network congestions, etc.
I asked here for VoLTE expirience, no feedback till now…

Yes, that is exactly the problem i am trying to solve.

As you say, while using 4G, some calls don’t reach you, but does it have anything to do with SFOS or the device itself? Did it work before you installed SFOS on it?

Did you have any previous SFOS installed before and it worked well, or the problem came when you updated to a certain version of SFOS ?

The product itself (Jolla C2) is very appealing, but what guarantee one has that it will work well?

Will they allow any return policy? I understand that the 50 euros voucher is not refunded.

I don’t think XA2 on SFOS supports VoLTE, so it’s no surprise calls drop the moment the phone switches to 4G.


No one can guarantee that at this point. The only 100% safe option I see would be to wait for the phone to be released and to scan this forum for any reviews once people had the chance to actually test it in the field.

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So it must not do it. If it does, it’s a bug…

I don’t know. But if I would have to bet, I would bet MNO (MEO, in this case)…

I don’t know which party initiates the handover so it could be a bug with the carrier and not the phone itself.

There’s not even a guarantee a phone that generally supports VoLTE (e.g. Xperia 10 II or III) will work with your specific carrier. There is a thread on this forum somewhere which lists all the possible combinations of phones and telcos which may support VoLTE on SFOS.

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I know, but no feedback with respect to Portugal… (no Sony sold here…)

Then it’s probably up to you to find it out the hard way, should you ever want to upgrade to a newer phone.

I’m not 100% but i’m afraid that some devices being sold outside the county area they are being sold, while using a sim card from the current location, will not work well at some point.

For example, buying a phone from China or USA and trying to use it with a Spanish Mobile Operator sim card while living in Spain will not work 100%.

I think it has do with the way each country has their own networks and protocols with Operators.

This is just a feeling i have, no prof it actually is like this, but for some reason, some nokia phones being sold on USA are not available in Europe.

I have changed the title to a more friendly one.

You can see the live stream and read the newsletter, Sailfish Community News, 23rd May 2024 - Jolla Day 2 recap there are some info there.

FYI, Xperia X and Xperia XA2* were sold in Portugal.

In Europe they are obligated under some conditions.

From where is this info?

When you go buy the phone, in the purchase menu says so (about the voucher):

Legal terms and disclaimers

Based on your voucher order, we will place a committed order to our manufacturing partner to ensure timely delivery.

I understand that the voucher is non-refundable and the purchase is final.

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