Pure Maps (Native map app)

Traffic layer is working just fine here.

It seems like there is something in the new platform.here.com which makes API key registration and making work non-trivial. So, when you get it sorted out in a way that all works, please share the steps that you did. You can do it under GitHub discussions or add as a doc under pure-maps/docs at master · rinigus/pure-maps · GitHub


I would like to say that Pure Maps is a matured daily Driver Navigation App for me which is fun and joy to use on my XZ2 Compact. Thank you Rinigus and others who maintain this gem.


I have exactly the same issue as you.

@ric9k and @carmenfdezb - looks like something changed in HERE. Don’t know what exactly, but switch to platform may have disabled some services for free. I suggest to look into documentation and check how traffic data is advertised. Seems like routing doesn’t work either with the new keys. One more reason to develop keypeer.org (@poetaster)


On it :0 Recently @mad_dev suggested twitter is now also a candidate and I can’t imagine it will become less :slight_smile: Please suggest use cases a https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/third-party-api-keys-and-keypeer every api people suggest will give us a better case for finding support to fund it :slight_smile:

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As for traffic, I am sure HERE somewhere provides it in their new Platform.here.com API as well . So, please check docs and see how to enable it. To see traffic overlay, you could also try to use Mapbox.com. That will show traffic, but its not connected to routers in Pure Maps - not sure they have it linked to routers.

No,no, yes, routing does work. I on purpose selected HERE as routing provider.
Used it twice today (and almost got fired cause instead of being late/lost, I broke down dry fuel :rofl:)
It works and is great because it takes traffic into account. (didn’t advise me highway because of a jam)


OK, that’s good. Then please check docs regarding traffic tiles and why they could be missing.


I raised a ticket with them as there is nothing else to do (you can activate traffic api and vector traffic tiles api in your project, but those endpoints work, just not compatible with puremaps), so far:

I remember that we have a little problem internally and a ticket open. Please allow us some time to update your app_id, I'll inform you once done.

Hopefully they’ll fix it for all apps and no need for per app action on their side, will post here when they provide an update


Just wanted to report that the traffic layer if blank for me also.

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Looks like they fixed it, traffic tiles now seem to work as expected (did not hear from them, just accidentally opened pure maps)

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For me its still the same. Grey screen.

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When you run it from terminal do you get a bunch of 403’s? Do normal tiles work?


Yes. I get 403s when using the traffic layer. Normal (as in Default layer) work “fine”.

“fine”= seems to be a bit jerky rendering but not a huge issue

Might turn out that they do actually fix it per appid, still didn’t hear from them, will ask about it in the ticket

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Yes, 403 too here.

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Just got this:

If you’re still getting 403’s probably a ticket will help


The 403 issue hasn’t resolved for me but lets give it a day or something.

Another thing i noticed is that when i start the app from the terminal i get a blue position marker (not the pointed one) but when i do it from the launcher i don’t. Any idea whats up with that?

In case it helps someone to confirm this is same issue, this should work:

curl \
  -X GET \
  -H 'Content-Type: *' \
  --get 'https://1.base.maps.ls.hereapi.com/maptile/2.1/maptile/newest/normal.day/11/525/761/256/png8' \
    --data-urlencode 'apiKey=APIKEY' --output file.png

Replace APIKEY with your own, file.png should end up being an image. This is the traffic tiles one:

curl \
  -X GET \
  -H 'Content-Type: *' \
  --get 'https://1.traffic.maps.ls.hereapi.com/maptile/2.1/traffictile/newest/normal.traffic.day/11/525/761/256/png8' \
--data-urlencode 'apiKey=APIKEY' 

Which results in: