you could have referred to the post in question. Why should I scroll or do anything to find out what you are trying to say?
anyway forget it …
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That user is a known troll, just ignore whatever he says.
If Bluetooth is really never implemented in Android app support, the number of users will probably not increase much.
I can no longer recommend SFOS in good conscience. Since I have been using SFOS for about 10 years, I would be happy to do so for another 10 years. In any case, I will continue to monitor SFOS and then perhaps come back.
And please don’t say that people who use Bluetooth with an Android app shouldn’t use SFOS. I have read that several times here in the forum. But part of the reality is that Bluetooth is needed more and more in everyday life and there isn’t a native SFOS app for everything. For my part, I only use an Android app as a workaround if there is no viable SFOS alternative. And not everyone wants to carry 2 or 3 cell phones with them.
It depends of who had said this.
i’m thinking on getting myself next pixel fold (same width as samsung, please?) with grapheneOS
what is the point of having SFOS phone if I have to bring along an android phone half the time…
I see AAS as an absolute emergency use case. I wonder why people flee to Sailfish OS and still expect full Android compatibility; they still do not understand it.
It’s the same false comfort as the gazillion clone-a-chrome browsers. If you are not going to bother about alternatives and just faff around with band-aid “privacy” measures, that is just marginally prolonging the complete failure of anything open.
We don’t need an arms-race. We need things that are fundamentally uninterested in your data.
That’s not to say AAS isn’t a nice feature; it most definitely is - and BT passthrough would make a neat addition. Some android apps even aren’t bad; and sometimes you actually don’t have a choice. But for gimmicks i will vote with my money and get something better. The correlation from closed apps to premature obsolescence surely must be just about 100%.
If it is “not possible” then how come that full Bluetooth support was present in Blackberry BB10’s Android support years ago? Android applications had access to all BT profiles that the host OS supported, that including (in OS 10.3) even Bluetooth LE, NFC, etc. And that even though BB10 OS was QNX based rather than Linux based.
Worth noting it that BB10’s Android support had exactly the same roots as SFOS’ AAS, i.e. Myriad Alien Dalvik.
Long story short, saying that it is “not possible” is simply not true.
How does accessing BT hardware from AAS allegedly differ from accessing any other hardware, e.g. GPS, WLAN, camera, cellular modem, etc, accessing and using all of which is fully implemented in AAS?
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Well, perhaps Jolla knows better why it is not possible. In fact I did not even say this. Everything is possible - you just need the resources. The lack of resources makes it impossible.
I do not know anything about BB - I know it was used in commercial context and perhaps they had the money to implement full BT support. Also you have to keep in mind, that BT had a major shift from v3 to 4 to 5 ATM. I guess BB was on v4 and at the end they also did not have the resources and died.
So asking questions about the past is not kind of relevant to the present or the future. There are things that I am not allowed to write here, but if you wish we may discuss in private.
I don’t know who is developing AlienDalvik and if Jolla can influence this. I recall vaguely the obtained the right, but I am not sure. In any case you need a lot of development and testing. I wish Jolla or whoever else could implement, but Jolla stated clearly that this is not in their planing. This is why I suggest to close this topic until Jolla decides to do something.
why was this hidden?
Because you’re being rude and the post is getting flagged. Maybe adjust your tone.
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It’s not lack of resources, it is assigning them to right tasks. If they really indend to enter the automotive market with their Android Support (and they clearly do, there’s even a separate Seafarix company established for that), then they simply have to implement decent Bluetooth support, as their car multimedia platform simply has to communicate with the driver’s phone. As clear and obvious as that. Or else, how can you imagine any in-car multimedia system that is not able to work and seamlessly communicate with the driver’s phone? Calls, messaging, phone’s gallery access, phone’s local calendar and to-do’s, etc? Only Bluetooth provides that.
And kindly note how they advertise their Seafarix automotive solution as Unleashing the Full Power of Android Applications with no limitations and no modifications, enabling you to run any Android apps. So this clearly promises full Android functionality and experience with ANY Android apps you would need or want to use. It is THEIR words, not mine.
Anyway, as I said, there just CAN’T be an automotive system without Bluetooth support which is a core functionality of such in-car platforms, so if they really intend to make Seafarix a real existing product then they simply have to implement Bluetooth in it, period.
I mostly agree with this viewpoint and view my use of some Android apps as effectively “popping the escape hatch”, primarily related to banking. I have mostly gotten by with native apps or native-ish apps (like Hydrogen). The rest (like the ScooterHacking app I use to adjust power curves on my scooter) I can live without or just wait until I get home to adjust using an Android phone.
Even if use of Bluetooth in an Android app would mean the runtime had exclusive access to the adapter and Sailfish OS native apps wouldn’t for the duration of the Android app’s use, I could see that being a reasonable compromise. At least then I know I could likely rely on it if I ever need to download an app out in the wild (say for Voi), where I may not have the luxury at that moment of declining a use of a service.
The AAS runtime does not have an exclusive access to GPS, WLAN, camera, modem, and all other hardware elements, so why would it need exclusive access only to Bluetooth? It’s plain BS. There’s a HAL layer through which access to hardware takes place and access can be switched on demand between the host OS and AAS, invisibly to the user. I can’t see any valid reason why in case of Bluetooth it would need to be any different than it is the case with any other hardware component.
Seems to me that webtab73 you are banging to wrong doors.
Here is quote from another forum:
"You could look for the device in /sys/class/
or perhaps set up a udev rule to get a persistent device path.
After some research, however, it appear that the Bluetooth device will not be usable from within the unprivileged container anyway, as the Linux kernel does not allow Bluetooth devices to be namespaced. [0]
There is a patch that allows Bluetooth to be used from different namespaces, but it has been rejected. [1]"
So Linus Torvalds is who needs to be conviced. Good luck with him ;);)
Very funny, especially for those who will try to enter the market with Seafarix platform lacking Bluetooth support. Close your eyes and imagine a car maker who will want to have such multimedia platform in their cars. Good luck with them.
Or, more seriously, they will need to make another patch. Or give up with Seafarix. Whatever suits them more. Yes, you can have a geekey smartphone OS for a handful of enthusiasts like in case of SFOS lacking some things here and there and often relying on user’s own creativity, but you obviously CAN’T have a semi-functional automotive platform “for geeks” lacking as basic functionality as Bluetooth communication/sync in driver’s favourite apps, simply because no car maker will buy such a thing.
Is it really so hard to comprehend that nowadays there CAN’T be an automotive multimedia platform without full and seamless Bluetooth access and sync of data with user’s favorite apps that he wants to be able to normally access on his car’s big color screen while travelling in his car? Show me a car maker that will want to buy such a platform. Feel free to deny this obvious fact.
But on Jolla and SailfishOS website there is no mention about Bluetooth and NFC not supported in Android AppSupport. So average user which doesn’t know SailfishOS can think that there isn’t any limitation. Then (s)he buy and try SailfishX and find that isn’t true. From their website:
With Sailfish OS you can also run Android™ apps with our dedicated App Support solution.
opt-in to run your favourite Android apps securely executed in an isolated sandbox.
Sailfish OS is compatible with the Android™ ecosystem, and so able to run Android apps and support Android device hardware.
Even on AppSupport page is no mention about that. On the contrary, they state there…
All apps
Compatible with all Android Apps without modifications, yet no Android OS