Potential Bluetooth Support in the Android App Support (AAS)

A hardware project (such as the Jolla Tablet) is many, many times more complex, costly and unpredictable than implementing one single feature inside Sailfish OS, this is some very flawed logic on your part. Jolla should absolutely consider using any avenue possible to close the (luckily few) remaining gaping holes in Sailfish OS.


I can agree one some points.
But “one single feature inside SailfishOS” is not exactly that what you probably think.
The Hardware usage is exclusive in the most modern OSes. When BT-Hardware is part of the Linux Dev-Tree it physically can’t be available in the Virtualisation like Aliendalvik.

you can’t connect the same hardware to the Host OS and to your Virtual Machine. So it need to be a feature, which disconnects the BT-Hardware from the host-System and connects it to the Alien Dalvik.
Its not an easy task from the Development Point of view.

Closing this gap with crowdfunding is a wrong strategy for a company who do real business.
why its wrong for a company - i wrote in the upper post, but i try to explain it a bit easier to understand.

  • You plan that for development of this feature you need 10000,- EUR and 8 month of work
  • You make an crowdfunding campaign
  • You have 5 developers which starts working
  • 2 developers getting ill and are out of the business for 6 month, but you need to pay them salaries.
  • Your project get stuck. You have no money and the product is not ready in time.

What will you do? Ask for more money on a second campaign?

For such tasks, true waterproof contracts are needed.
One customer or company need to come to Jolla and sign a contract for developing this feature. Than it will be doable.

Again, only my opinion. I backed 5 crowdfunding campaigns, 4 of them failed. Now i pay only for a real product available for sale.

And for the admins: My post is about development of working Bluetooth under Alien Dalvik, so its not OT. Thanks


Maybe the idea of having one phone to protect your privacy and at the same time using it to be tracked with every payment, move in public transport, move in individual transport, every single drink you have and every move you make is just plain stupid.

My very personal recipe is having one Sailfish phone for me, a Lineage OS phone as my idiot phone for things that track my whereabouts and a complete idiot iOS phone for work.


That’s one way of doing it. But if this is the suggestion of jolla, than I’m most likely gone as a paying customer. Because with Plasma Mobile and e.g. PinePhone, I get a 100% (or at least much higher degree) FOSS phone with much broader application base and features. So for me in this scenario Sailfish has no value add anymore.

The value add of Sailfish for me is, that I can have as much privacy as possible together with the Android apps, I’m not able to work around in daily life, all in a single device.

Since I don’t know the official value proposition of Sailfish, I don’t know if this is a match or not. It is just my point of view and my personal recommendation for jolla for their product market positioning.


Just to mention it in this topic: Jolla now stated that they aim for Bluetooth support for Android Apps: https://irclogs.sailfishos.org/meetings/sailfishos-meeting/2024/sailfishos-meeting.2024-11-28-08.00.txt
I hope that they sometime will elaborate more.


A side question, how tourist can buy a ticket then?

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They need to download the app and pay with credit card. In some rare cases there are kiosks, which sell tickets.

And let me guess, of course app only for iOS or Android? What a discrimination.


But how is that related to bluetooth in AAS then? Is the ticket validated via bluetooth?
I also heavily use Android apps in AAS for a lot of use cases like yours, but there is only one that involves bluetooth: display-less parcel lockers (DHL Packstation).


You will not get a suggestion by Jolla, probably: I know many SailfishOS Users, which uninstall Android App Support, even on Phones, which natively support them and use only SailfishOS Apps.

Some other users (including me) use the mix of SailfishOS and Android Apps, replacing google services with microG.
Of course, bluetooth in Android is nice to have, but at the moment not available.
You say you can use PinePhone instead of SailfishOS. One question, did you tried that?

I tried that, and i must say, all the gui apps are simply not running good. PineTab is another case, i use PineTab with Plasma Mobile and it working fine, because of the bigger screen.

For the PinePhone i didn’t find a case where i can use them. All the Linux Apps works, but they are not yet configured for the Screen of the mobile, and this is a big Problem. So i can’t substitute SailfishOS Phone with PinePhone.

I think it was already explained on several occasions why BT support for specialy profiles (besides HSP/HFP and A2DP) is not possible.
I wonder why people do not read and just nag here with stupid complains.
If you want a nearly open source phone to protect your privacy you would use SFOS without Android support and refuse to play the game of the cheaters. In real world it is however pretty masochistic and the society in it’s stupidity does not stand up for the rights that are being taken away from it … it’s sheeple brought to the slaughter house without knowing it.
So what to do … seems inevitable to me that one needs at least one device for all this sh*t … digital ID etc etc. You don’t even need to have it switched on all the time.
As for the rest (the heating of the car, the opening of the DHL box etc. etc.) - it is very simple - avoid those manufacturers and service providers - they do not deserve your money. At the end it is your choice, but nagging around with stupid complains is really frustrating and I even regret reading this thread, because I was expecting to see something meaningful … but it turned to be just a waste of time.

I suggest close the thread as it does not provide any meaningful content. The answer was provided and it says:
because of limited integration with the Android base only limited support for BT is provided. Period.

Thank you in advance


And what’s about the statement which was linked by arisel some days ago?
Unfortunately the link cannot be called, got a 504 time-out. And therefore I don’t know the original text.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


Very good summary.

For many people, it is easier to expect changes from others than to demand changes from themselves.



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@deloptes:Sorry about that. Pasting the link I got the message that this link is already posted in this feed, so I stopped pasting. Scrolling up a bit and you would have found the link and actually wasting a few seconds.
If you don’t have time to answer, just don’t do it. This saves time and nerves.

And here is the link:
Maybe anyone does know the content. The link is currently not accessible.


Thanks for the hint. I’m using plasma mobile also as a daily driver on my Starlite tablet. Last year I lost my phone and needed a replacement asap. That’s why I bought the 10V. Otherwise I would have tried a Librem Phone or PinePhone Pro.

So I have not used plasma mobile on a phone yet. But the progress in the last half year on the tablet is very impressive (especially compared to the progress in Sailfish).

actually, the content was at about what I wrote above: (citing the content loosely out of my mind) As far as I understood, Jolla is aiming for bluetooth in App Support, and has some new ideas on that.
Not in the minutes, but included in the full irc log: I tried to get more details within that meeting, but they declined (wasn’t in my original question, also). I expect them to elaborate more, at some time.
I usually don’t save irc logs, so I don’t think I can provide the original wording until the link becomes accessible, again.


Well, a log of SailfishOS IRC Meeting can’t be seen as a “promise” to implement a function.
Even if someone write “We are working on Bluetooth in Android” does not mean, it will be implemented, and how fast. Thats a problem of the man’s brain: Wish-thinking. If something is important for us, and we read it somewhere, our brain translates it as completed task, or as a task which soon will be completed…

I think it is more like optimist, pessimist and realist.
From what I learned some time ago, it is not likely to be implemented and period. Explanation was that there is a huge difference between the android and the SFOS bluetooth implementation, so that a bridge can not be easily developed.
As I know SFOS I can conclude that it will be never implemented. I wish they prove me wrong, but for now I stay at realist position.