I am WHAT? Come on. I am only stating a fact that these days any modern car infotainment system provides full Bluetooth functionality, both for calls/audio and for apps that the driver can use on the (nowadays usually huge and touch enabled) car display. Just that. So if all existing platforms provide that, I can’t see how a platform lacking this functionality (and thus not permitting any Bluetooth operations in user’s favourite apps) could succeed. Just that. What does it have to do with allegedly being “agitated”? It’s merely stating an obvious fact.
No, I simply use cars, which is more than enough to know that Bluetooth is the most basic functionality of a modern car infotainment system. How else do you intend to connect your phone to your car’s display and share data with it, if not simply via Bluetooth? Do you want to use cables? Enable a WiFi hotspot and some intermediate servers to sync data? Come on. Who will buy it? It doesn’t take being “big expert in automotive hardware providers” to simply understand that Bluetooth is nowadays a standard and a must in these devices.
Did I ever say that they are hard? I only said that Jolla will have to do it, because it is a must for an automotive infotainment plaform. Please kindly address only what I did actually write, and not what I never said and never indended to. And if you ask me, then I actually think that it is relatively easy to implement.
Where did I ever say I do not like it? I only said that willing to enter the automotive market will force Jolla to implement Bluetooth support in AAS somehow, for the aforementioned obvious reasons. Please read more carefully and refrain from putting in my mouth things I’ve never said.
Well, that’s it from me regarding this topic.