Plex on sailfish

Hello, wondering if anybody knows of a native way to use plex on sailfish

So far i only found the browser, but it uses the desktop interface and crashes a lot, it’s so tedious

Any hint, or is the android app my only choice?

Not that I’m aware of (though the Android app works pretty much fine), but if you were to jump onto the Jellyfin bandwagon, there is an app for it :slight_smile: Sailfin - a Jellyfin client for Sailfish OS thread - Applications - Sailfish OS Forum


As much as i would love to, i only have access to a plex catalogue, so jellyfin is a no go for me…

Thanks a lot for the hint. I have just successfully set up Jellyfin, using the same media collection as my Plex server does. Plex is now used for my smart tv, Jellyfin for everything else.


Glad it proved useful :slight_smile:

I’ve been exploring Jellyfin, but the quality of its apps varies quite a bit by platform, such a shame Infuse only exists for the Apple ecosystem, it would be so cool to have a high-quality frontend regardless of the backend server.

And since the last update, Sailfin made a huge step forward. It is more beta than alpha version.

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