Picked up a Jolla Phone 1 for cheap on eBay, pin locked

Picked up a second JP1 for 10 bucks as it was in need of a reset and the seller didn’t have the know how to get it into recovery mode.

Unfortunately it’s pin locked (but not bootloader locked) and the seller doesn’t have the pin for it so I’m unable to get into the shell.

I’ve done some research and as far as I can tell, there was once a way to reflash it via fastboot to bring it back to stock but it looks like any OG images have been lost in the last decade.

Does anyone know of a way to get it back into a factory fresh state or am I SoL with this device and moving on to flashing PMOS on it?

Might want to try some of the things mentioned here:

Good luck!

You have purchased a £10 paper weight.

No lock code, no flashing.

You could always contact Jolla directly and ask them if they can flash it back to stock, bearing in mind that the Jolla1 is no longer supported.

Personally, I’d say you are most certainly,“SoL”. (sh!t outta luck) <–I had to look that up! :grin:

On what Software Version is it?

I’ve got my hands on a secondhand Jolla Phone in a really nice condition from kleinanzeigen with basically the same issue. Seller says that it shouldn’t have a pin since he apparently factory reseted it, but I dunno.
The phone runs SFOS and is apparently set up in a way that it never asks for the pin to unlock it. Problem being that I can’t enable developer mode, untrusted software and also disable the pin obviously.

Recovery mode seems to be on v0.3.1 and the passcode prompt in the running system doesn’t seem to have a limit in tries.

The question now is, is there anything I could try, except for bruteforcing it (by sw or hw)?