- the fingerprint stopped working after the first reboot - yes thats broken and I stated as much
- When using the camera, the flash goes off before the picture is taken, resulting in dark photos in low light conditions - see this is weird i flashed the sfos on my enchilada and cannot get camera to work, others got camera to work so currently i’m bugged xd
- I can send but can’t receive any sms when connected to 4G network. - I have another use experiencing similar stuff, was kinda hoping its because of USA, didn’t test it myself but two users reporting it might sound an issue
Third point about SMS: you have to call your operator to disable VoLTE. Even though calls fall back to 3g/2g correctly, some messages do not get through. Especially authentication ones but true in general.
Tested this with two operators in Romania on other ports. VoLTE is not currently available for community ports, except Mediatek, and specific versions.
Hope that at least a binary release as fpd is will be made by Jolla for our use…
I blame USA again!
Yeah, you probably can’t disable VoLTE in all countries. If 2g/3g does not exist anymore, you are out of options.
- Thanks for letting me know, so I don’t spend more time trying to fix it
As per your initial post, I thought the fingerprint problem concerned only the 6t version. It’s interesting though that I managed to get the fingerprint back working once even after the first reboot, which makes me wondering what’s the issue.
- Too bad to hear that the camera is not working at all on your OP6. The flash timing is only a minor issue, I rarely use the flash in the first place.
- I also tried a different SIM card from a different carrier, with the same outcome (can only send sms with 4G). Both cards work flawlessly on my X.
Regarding fingerprints:
There was hoping yeah in op6t fp won’t ever work but i was hoping its gonna work flawlessly in op6 but sadly while it works, it doesn’t so flawlessly. Will fix it later ofc
I will still fix it non the less
Do not forget there are around also mclaren editions of that device, that are equipped with heavy pumped HW specs!
Okay I’ve gotten camera to work on enchilada and yeah, the flash doesn’t flash, it lights up during focus but then simply doesn’t flash. I’ll of course investigate but i’m quite busy, need to update my apps and fix other ports
same with the fingerprint
It makes me super happy that people are actually getting the device and the port and that they’re happy with it, so far i got at least 5 people to try it, not sure how many of them are active users, still makes me so happy because that didn’t happen last time
nor the time before that
nor the time before that
nor the time before that
nor the time before that
nor the time before that
nor the time before that
nor the time before that
nor the time before that
nor the time before that
then there was g2, that one people still use
I have two OP6 phones. One is running postmarketos, the other your port of sfos (now as a daily driver OP6 has a very capable hw.
I have op6t and op6 now cause i gotta test on both lmao
and i first bought op6t not knowing that op6 is superior
update about camera flash, on stock the flash looks A LOT like a workaround. Like a LOT LOT.
on lineage it doesn’t even work and what doesn’t work on lineage also won’t work on sfos sadly
so unless i debug lineage or update lineage i don’t see possibility of fixing it
goddamnit oneplus you fucked up ONE THING (still 1000000x better than xperias)
Too bad to hear. Sounds like a lot of work. As said, I don’t need the camera flash too often, so this is not that important for me personally. From the three bugs that I have pointed out, 4G sms would be on top of my list. Fingerprint is for convenience, kind of nice to have, but not utmost necessity. The overall experience of running sfos on op6 is already very pleasant.
funny how its always because of rude people like you
Honest review of using the OnePlus 6 with Sailfish 4.6
Recently I have been daily driving a Sailfish port started by community member Calebcf and currently maintained by Mister_Magister for the OnePlus 6/6t. Magister decided to pick up the port after some people showed interest in using the OnePlus 6 with Sailfish.
Right now the port works well, all basic features are working out of the box. SMS, calls, data, camera, video decoding. The only things that have failed the CSD tool tests is the status LED, only white is shown right now and 2G. In addition I am happy to report that the tri-state key for ambiance switching works without major issues on Sailfish. The only problem is that it’s reversed (up is down and down is up) but this has just been fixed.
As for performance I would put this in front of the Xperia 10 II. It’s the only other device I have had experience with. The Xperia 10 II crashes when attempting to navigate using PureMaps, the OnePlus 6 does not. I find that the experience is very smooth and reliable and I have no issues running many apps at the same time, browsing is much of the same very quick and reliable (thanks to Flypigs Gecko upgrade).
As for the future of this port, the device is using Android 9 blobs with plans to transition to Android 10 blobs sometime in the future. The reason for this is that the camera flash does not work correctly using the Android 9 blobs.
In conclusion, after daily driving the OnePlus 6 for a few days, I can say this is the best experience I have had with a Sailfish device thus far. Though there are some small issues, but they do not deter me from continuing to daily drive the device.
This sounds very interesting!
Had a look on the Oneplus homepage and at the technical specs, but couldn’t find anything about SD card!
Q: Does Oneplus support SD card? If yes, up to what size?
No, unfortunately it doesn’t support sd card
It sucks so much that most high-end current phones don’t have microsd. Everyone cries about lack of jack but nobody mentions lack of microsd Can’t help it, if it doesn’t work for you thats perfectly fine, you can’t please everybody