For students there is the athens programm which is in the week starting with November 18th and the university of bucharest is also holding courses, or at least did in March, when it was held the last time
Thanks @smatkovi for the Athens program reference - I was not aware of that, let us know if you know someone that would like to join!
I did not have the time to look up for hackerspaces in the possible cities - and by the looks of it, I may not have additional time other then the meeting days.
I would sure embrace any help - but otherwise, I think that from all of the messages above I don’t see a strong reason not to place the meeting in Bucharest.
So, last call, everyone aboard with having a Bucharest Romanian meeting sometime 17-20 November?
Hi all,
as you may have noticed in the Sailfish OS Community News I’ve started building a board of things I know I’d like to hack: this board. Let me know if you would like access to add to that.
To sync faster on that, and to coordinate on finalizing the location I’ve also created a telegram channel. I assumed most of you have access to that based on previous interactions;) Thanks!
Hi all, an update about the location:
After having mailed left and right and pondered which hackerspace would be the most generous to host our efforts, in the end it was @dumol which landed us a free hosting at “Politehnica” University in Bucharest.
So here are the coordinates:
Or simply paste 44.43497,26.04771
in Pure Maps.
In olden address format, it’s room 107, first floor in PRECIS Center, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu 6D, București 061344, Romania
Looks like this through the eyes of an XA2
and like this through the eyes of the still too processed Zenfone:
The dates are 17-20 November still.
On Friday and Monday, there will be students as always around.
Notice there’s a table that can be easily used to host some demo devices if you want to chat along (the Politehnica students have a very high chance of being Linux enthusiasts!)
Our host Răzvan Deaconescu told us that if we want to have a session on a particular subject on, say, Saturday, we should announce him one week before so that he can pitch it to the students. May be anything SFOS related, Linux, porting, Qt, C++, QML, privacy, you name it.
We can have like a poster stuck on one of those windows to inform passers-byes what’s going on in that room.
But the main thing will still be us hacking on hydrogen, so keep this whishlist up to date and ping me if you need access.
Wish I could be there!
One more week and we’re on!
This is just a reminder for people to book their travel and accommodation;)
Good luck and have fun. Still many people are very interested in sailfish OS. Thanks for your work and your enthusiasm.
Small update: the meetup is over, but the hackathon is still on - even though we’re all back home some merge requests still need to be merged, some wrinkles need to be ironed out - see community meeting for more info; You’ll have a fresh hydrogen in chum or even store pretty soon
We submitted Hydrogen 0.4.1 to chum:testing and should be soon available on chum proper.
Please read the Release notes to find out the changes and features and the bugs we’ve sneakily introduced
Then file the bugs at sfos-hydrogen/issues!
Thanks for the awesome hackathon experience, “The SailfishOS Hackathon Bucharest Team” (@yajo10 , @pherjung , @nephros and yours truly) and to @thigg for starting this project.
Side note: if you’re wondering what @dumol has been hacking about and wasn’t very loud about: his PixelPerfect high DPI branch got very much updated in the same time, and us Hydrogen hackers were the testers for his changes. We left the Hydrogen hackathon with a much better font selection for enjoying all websites and some of us even got a much closer to a Pure font for our Lipstick environment. You should really check out his Readme how to have this on your phone.
Thank you @vlagged! You’ve pushed my hand a bit in regard to announcing the high DPI PixelPerfect setup currently in the works, so I’ve just published a beta pre-release to make it possible for anyone to try this without my supervising. There’s a how-to section at that should help… Let me know if something is missing, thanks!
Also, one more hooray for the generosity of our hosts at the Polytechnic of Bucharest,, in particular Răzvan Deaconescu from the Systems department of the Computer Science faculty, Everyone we interacted with was welcoming and accommodating, even when unexpected issues required changing the room hosting our hackathon.
Direct contact with other devs and users is crucial, this is what makes hackatons valuable. I also hope testing your Hydrogen builds on my XA2 with SFOS 4.4 helped you a bit. I felt privileged to be able to test my PixelPerfect setup on very different devices with Sailfish OS, including a tablet. Thank you @pherjung and @vlagged for the opportunity! And for actually daily driving this very much in-flux setup on your devices… ;-]