No outgoing calls possible (solved)

Agreed. I prefer community port bugs to go against the -config repo on github.

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@pawel.spoon can you paste /etc/ofono/ril_subscriptions.conf
zypper se -s ofono

I did create an issue in gitlab. Hope that is ok

Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…

S | Name | Type | Version | Arch | Repository
i | libgofono | package | 2.1.1-1.6.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| libgofono | srcpackage | 2.1.1-1.6.2.jolla | noarch | jolla
| libgofono-debuginfo | package | 2.1.1-1.6.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| libgofono-debugsource | package | 2.1.1-1.6.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| libgofono-devel | package | 2.1.1-1.6.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
i | libgofonoext | package | 1.0.12-1.5.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| libgofonoext | srcpackage | 1.0.12-1.5.2.jolla | noarch | jolla
| libgofonoext-debuginfo | package | 1.0.12-1.5.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| libgofonoext-debugsource | package | 1.0.12-1.5.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| libgofonoext-devel | package | 1.0.12-1.5.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
i | libofonobinderpluginext | package | 1.1.5-1.4.2.jolla | aarch64 | adaptation-common
| libofonobinderpluginext-devel | package | 1.1.5-1.4.2.jolla | aarch64 | adaptation-common
i | libqofono-qt5 | package | 0.112-1.6.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| libqofono-qt5 | srcpackage | 0.112-1.6.2.jolla | noarch | jolla
| libqofono-qt5-debuginfo | package | 0.112-1.6.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| libqofono-qt5-debugsource | package | 0.112-1.6.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
i | libqofono-qt5-declarative | package | 0.112-1.6.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| libqofono-qt5-devel | package | 0.112-1.6.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| libqofono-qt5-examples | package | 0.112-1.6.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| libqofono-qt5-tests | package | 0.112-1.6.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
i | libqofonoext | package | 1.0.27-1.5.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| libqofonoext | srcpackage | 1.0.27-1.5.2.jolla | noarch | jolla
| libqofonoext-debuginfo | package | 1.0.27-1.5.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| libqofonoext-debugsource | package | 1.0.27-1.5.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
i | libqofonoext-declarative | package | 1.0.27-1.5.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| libqofonoext-devel | package | 1.0.27-1.5.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
i+ | ofono | package | 1.28+git3.2-1.13.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| ofono | srcpackage | 1.28+git3.2-1.13.2.jolla | noarch | jolla
i+ | ofono-binder-plugin | package | 1.1.5-1.4.2.jolla | aarch64 | adaptation-common
| ofono-configs-binder | package | 1.1.5-1.4.2.jolla | aarch64 | adaptation-common
| ofono-configs-mer | package | | aarch64 | adaptation-common
| ofono-debuginfo | package | 1.28+git3.2-1.13.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| ofono-debugsource | package | 1.28+git3.2-1.13.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| ofono-devel | package | 1.28+git3.2-1.13.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| ofono-doc | package | 1.28+git3.2-1.13.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| ofono-ril-binder-plugin | package | 1.2.6-1.4.3.jolla | aarch64 | adaptation-common
| ofono-ril-plugin | package | | aarch64 | adaptation-common
| ofono-tests | package | 1.28+git3.2-1.13.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
i+ | openrepos-logger-ofono | package | 1.0.22-1.5.1.jolla | aarch64 | sailfishos-chum-yggdrasil
v | openrepos-logger-ofono | package | 1.0.22-1 | aarch64 | openrepos-slava
v | openrepos-logger-ofono | package | 1.0.21-1 | aarch64 | openrepos-slava
v | openrepos-logger-ofono | package | 1.0.20-1 | aarch64 | openrepos-slava
v | openrepos-logger-ofono | package | 1.0.19-1 | aarch64 | openrepos-slava
v | openrepos-logger-ofono | package | 1.0.17-1 | aarch64 | openrepos-slava
| openrepos-logger-ofono-debuginfo | package | 1.0.22-1.5.1.jolla | aarch64 | sailfishos-chum-yggdrasil
| openrepos-logger-ofono-debugsource | package | 1.0.22-1.5.1.jolla | aarch64 | sailfishos-chum-yggdrasil
| sailfish-mdm-ofono-plugin | package | 1.0.10-1.2.3.jolla | aarch64 | jolla
| voicecall-qt5-plugin-ofono | package | 0.7.13-1.7.2.jolla | aarch64 | jolla

Ofono configuration for Volla yggrasil



#May need this




Errr, and that would be which repo?

Ah, ok. Where I’d submitted the sim card issue. Thanks.

Erm, how have you ended up with ofono-binder-plugin, and not ofono-ril-binder-plugin? The latter is explicity required in the device pattern! droid-config-yggdrasil/ at hybris-17 · HelloVolla/droid-config-yggdrasil · GitHub

Anyway, try
zypper in ofono-ril-binder-plugin
and see if it fixes it :slight_smile:

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actually, if this is GS290, it would be the droid-config-ygggdrasil repo in the same project :slight_smile:

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Ah. I had an issue with the adaption pkg not installing (which broke browser). on the gs290.

EDIT: ah, mine was upgrading to .72 on the gs290 and patterns-sailfish-device-configuration-common not having installed. Hmmm.

Um, but you just added a link to a mimameid issue queue in an issue for yggdrasil ! you, you … :->

well my broke on the way from .58 to .72

i was able to do phone calls !


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Yeah, I did each step. .64 → .68 → .72

I think i ve missed one. 64 or 68

@piggz , today i could not do calls again. so i just reapplied the installation and it works again.
now i did not do anything special in the last 2 days. just check chum for updates and installed 2,3 apps from there.

but it seems i do get the wrong plugin again.
any hints where i could check why ?

thanks !

update: did a call, did update repos in storeman, calling broke. Re install binder …
so i have a wrong repo enabled ?

what’s the output of:

ssu lr

Enabled repositories (global):

Enabled repositories (user):

Disabled repositories (global, might be overridden by user config):

Can you post the output of:

zypper info ofono-ril-binder-plugin

Information for package ofono-ril-binder-plugin:

Repository : adaptation-common
Name : ofono-ril-binder-plugin
Version : 1.2.6-1.4.3.jolla
Arch : aarch64
Vendor : meego
Installed Size : 14.3 KiB
Installed : Yes
Status : up-to-date
Source package : ofono-ril-binder-plugin-1.2.6-1.4.3.jolla.src
Summary : Ofono RIL binder transport plugin
Description :
This package contains ofono plugin which implements binder transport for RIL

please keep in mind that i did replace it with : zypper in ofono-ril-binder-plugin
so right now i can do phone-calls
on next refresh it gets replaced with the wrong one

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